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balloon occlusion test

Solorzano Vazquez image
Clinical Videos

Marco Alejandro Solórzano Vázquez, MD; Fernando Donovan Espriu Romero, MD; Edgar Uriel Quintana Ortiz, MD; Oscar Samuel Medina Torres, MD

Marco Alejandro Solórzano Vázquez, MD...
Video Supplement to "Atrial Septal Defect and Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: Usefulness of the Balloon Occlusion Test" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Atrial Septal Defect and Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome: Usefulness of the Balloon Occlusion Test" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Atrial...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Marco Alejandro Solórzano Vázquez, MD; Fernando Donovan Espriu Romero, MD; Edgar Uriel Quintana Ortiz, MD; Oscar Samuel Medina Torres, MD

Marco Alejandro Solórzano Vázquez, MD...
A 37-year-old man was referred to our medical center with a diagnosis of Eisenmenger syndrome due to an atrial septal defect (ASD). At admission he had central cyanosis, acrocyanosis, and progressive effort dyspnea; his symptoms improved...
A 37-year-old man was referred to our medical center with a diagnosis of Eisenmenger syndrome due to an atrial septal defect (ASD). At admission he had central cyanosis, acrocyanosis, and progressive effort dyspnea; his symptoms improved...
A 37-year-old man was referred...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology