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guidewire entrapment

Aquino-Bruno Figure 2
Clinical Videos
Video Supplement to "Parallel Wire Technique as a Bailout for Chronic Total Occlusion Recanalization Due to Microcatheter Over-Torquing and Entrapment" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Parallel Wire Technique as a Bailout for Chronic Total Occlusion Recanalization Due to Microcatheter Over-Torquing and Entrapment" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "Parallel...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
The authors show an example of microcatheter over-torquing, causing entrapment of the guidewire during recanalization of a chronic total occlusion,.
The authors show an example of microcatheter over-torquing, causing entrapment of the guidewire during recanalization of a chronic total occlusion,.
The authors show an example of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
The authors summarize studies on percutaneous coronary intervention complications, including coronary dissection, no reflow, perforation, and equipment loss/entrapment.
The authors summarize studies on percutaneous coronary intervention complications, including coronary dissection, no reflow, perforation, and equipment loss/entrapment.
The authors summarize studies on...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Keh Figure 1
Clinical Videos

Yann Shan Keh, MD; Chee Yang Chin, MBChB; Chee Tang Chin, MBChB, Soo Teik Lim, MBBS

Yann Shan Keh, MD; Chee Yang Chin, MB...
Video Supplement to "In Between the Cracks" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "In Between the Cracks" (Clinical Image).
Video Supplement to "In Between...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Yann Shan Keh, MD; Chee Yang Chin, MBChB; Chee Tang Chin, MBChB, Soo Teik Lim, MBBS

Yann Shan Keh, MD; Chee Yang Chin, MB...
The authors present a rare intravascular ultrasound finding of a side branch guidewire being entrapped by a crack in coronary calcification.
The authors present a rare intravascular ultrasound finding of a side branch guidewire being entrapped by a crack in coronary calcification.
The authors present a rare...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology