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blood transfusions


Daniel G. Clair, MD

Daniel G. Clair, MD
The article by Xenos et al reinforces findings from a number of previous studies which have assessed the perioperative and postoperative outcomes in patients who have undergone transfusions following varied surgical procedures. In this...
The article by Xenos et al reinforces findings from a number of previous studies which have assessed the perioperative and postoperative outcomes in patients who have undergone transfusions following varied surgical procedures. In this...
The article by Xenos et al...
Vascular Disease Management

Nicholas J. Morrissey, MD

Nicholas J. Morrissey, MD
In the current issue of VDM, the effects of blood transfusion on outcomes of lower-extremity revascularization are discussed in the paper by Eleftherios Xenos and colleagues. The paper uses the NSQIP database as a source for cases of...
In the current issue of VDM, the effects of blood transfusion on outcomes of lower-extremity revascularization are discussed in the paper by Eleftherios Xenos and colleagues. The paper uses the NSQIP database as a source for cases of...
In the current issue of VDM, the...
Vascular Disease Management