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genomic profiling

How Clinical Pathways Are Growing
In this new series, Journal of Clinical Pathways features insights from the editorial advisory board members pertaining to a specific question on pathways or value-based care.  For the first edition of Ask the...
In this new series, Journal of Clinical Pathways features insights from the editorial advisory board members pertaining to a specific question on pathways or value-based care.  For the first edition of Ask the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Genomic profiling should be applied to patients with histiocytic disorders at diagnosis in order to guide targeted therapy, according to research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight (February...
Genomic profiling should be applied to patients with histiocytic disorders at diagnosis in order to guide targeted therapy, according to research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight (February...
Journal of Clinical Pathways