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health care costs

Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G. Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Scott Guerin, PhD
As health systems become more prevalent, they are having increasing levels of control over treatment decisions, in coordination with physicians and managed care organizations. As a result of this increased level of...
As health systems become more prevalent, they are having increasing levels of control over treatment decisions, in coordination with physicians and managed care organizations. As a result of this increased level of...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Christopher S Lathan, MD, MS, MPH
An interview with Christopher S Lathan, MD, MS, MPH, assistant professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School; faculty director, Cancer Care Equity Program; medical director, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at St...
An interview with Christopher S Lathan, MD, MS, MPH, assistant professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School; faculty director, Cancer Care Equity Program; medical director, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at St...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
JCP Editors
Balancing out the provider perspective was Andrew Allan  Hertler, MD, FACP, New Century Health, who explained why clinical pathways are increasingly being used by payers as a tool for controlling oncology...
Balancing out the provider perspective was Andrew Allan  Hertler, MD, FACP, New Century Health, who explained why clinical pathways are increasingly being used by payers as a tool for controlling oncology...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
  According to a recent report, prescription drug costs rose by more than 12% in 2014 and are expected to continue to rise by more than 7% through 2018.1 In addition, a study of the out-of-pocket costs...
  According to a recent report, prescription drug costs rose by more than 12% in 2014 and are expected to continue to rise by more than 7% through 2018.1 In addition, a study of the out-of-pocket costs...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A Bundled Payments for Care Improvement model developed at New York University Langone Medical Center (NYULMC), New York City, NY, was successful at improving institutional efficiency and providing more value...
A Bundled Payments for Care Improvement model developed at New York University Langone Medical Center (NYULMC), New York City, NY, was successful at improving institutional efficiency and providing more value...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
Scott Guerin, PhD
Seth Gordon, MBA
The concept of the Triple Aim—improving the experience of care, reducing the costs of care, and improving the health of populations—is increasingly becoming important to drug manufacturers, who must demonstrate how...
The concept of the Triple Aim—improving the experience of care, reducing the costs of care, and improving the health of populations—is increasingly becoming important to drug manufacturers, who must demonstrate how...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
As pathways become more ingrained in the everyday care of patients with various diseases, Andrew R Bunchert, MD, and Gabriella A Butler, MSN, RN, health care professionals at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh...
As pathways become more ingrained in the everyday care of patients with various diseases, Andrew R Bunchert, MD, and Gabriella A Butler, MSN, RN, health care professionals at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A study of image-guided percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma has found that the procedure is increasingly being used in recent years despite safety concerns as well as rising...
A study of image-guided percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma has found that the procedure is increasingly being used in recent years despite safety concerns as well as rising...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
The implementation of evidence-based, standardized clinical pathways may be an effective way of maintaining high-quality care at lower costs in pediatric care settings, results of a recent study show.  Clinical...
The implementation of evidence-based, standardized clinical pathways may be an effective way of maintaining high-quality care at lower costs in pediatric care settings, results of a recent study show.  Clinical...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
Essential to the success of clinical pathways is transparency of the development process. This includes transparency regarding the clinical evidence reviewed, the economic evaluations made, and the process by which...
Essential to the success of clinical pathways is transparency of the development process. This includes transparency regarding the clinical evidence reviewed, the economic evaluations made, and the process by which...
Journal of Clinical Pathways