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screening guidelines

Research in Review
JCP Editors
Findings from a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest that men with advanced prostate cancer may want to consider being tested for inherited gene mutations in order to help guide...
Findings from a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest that men with advanced prostate cancer may want to consider being tested for inherited gene mutations in order to help guide...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Financial relationships between organizations that produce clinical practice guidelines and biomedical companies are not being properly disclosed, according to findings from a recent report. When guidelines are...
Financial relationships between organizations that produce clinical practice guidelines and biomedical companies are not being properly disclosed, according to findings from a recent report. When guidelines are...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
The number of positive nodes is a better indicator of prognosis in patients with head and neck cancer than lymph node ratio and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system, according to a recent...
The number of positive nodes is a better indicator of prognosis in patients with head and neck cancer than lymph node ratio and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system, according to a recent...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A model developed using data from health care databases and published literature has found that Pap plus human papillomavirus (HPV) mRNA testing that includes genotying for HPV 16 and 18 may be a more effective...
A model developed using data from health care databases and published literature has found that Pap plus human papillomavirus (HPV) mRNA testing that includes genotying for HPV 16 and 18 may be a more effective...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
JCP Editors
Despite being at a greater risk for bone loss after prophylactic oophorectomy, carriers of BRCA mutations are under-screened for bone mineral density, according to a recent study. Women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 have a...
Despite being at a greater risk for bone loss after prophylactic oophorectomy, carriers of BRCA mutations are under-screened for bone mineral density, according to a recent study. Women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 have a...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
JCP Editors
Norah Lynn Henry, MD, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), presented findings to suggest that newly diagnosed patients with early-stage breast cancer often undergo advanced imaging tests despite national...
Norah Lynn Henry, MD, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), presented findings to suggest that newly diagnosed patients with early-stage breast cancer often undergo advanced imaging tests despite national...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A clinical pathway developed by South Florida researchers may help to improve clinical outcomes for patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer.  Although rare, pancreatic cancer is still the...
A clinical pathway developed by South Florida researchers may help to improve clinical outcomes for patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer.  Although rare, pancreatic cancer is still the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Staging laparoscopy in patients with gastric cancer can improve treatment decision-making and help avoid potentially unnecessary laparotomy, according to a new study. Early gastric cancer often presents with no...
Staging laparoscopy in patients with gastric cancer can improve treatment decision-making and help avoid potentially unnecessary laparotomy, according to a new study. Early gastric cancer often presents with no...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Blood-based miRNA signature analysis may be an effective noninvasive screening tool for identifying lung cancer early, a new study finds. Lung cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer, can be challenging to...
Blood-based miRNA signature analysis may be an effective noninvasive screening tool for identifying lung cancer early, a new study finds. Lung cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer, can be challenging to...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A recent study has confirmed that the adoption of a new lung cancer screening program did not lead to increased rates of surgical intervention for benign or noncancerous tumors. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
A recent study has confirmed that the adoption of a new lung cancer screening program did not lead to increased rates of surgical intervention for benign or noncancerous tumors. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
Journal of Clinical Pathways