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SAWC Spring 2024: Highlighting the Hot Topic of Skin Substitute Reimbursement

SAWC Spring 2024: Highlighting the Hot Topic of Skin Substitute Reimbursement

This blog was originally posted on SmartTrak's website on June 19, 2024: Reposted with permission.

The proposed MAC LCDs for Skin Substitutes/CTPs was the hot topic of SAWC and will continue to be until the LCDs are finalized. In this article, SmartTRAK highlights new learnings from discussions at SAWC and the MAC open meetings.

The Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring 2024 meeting welcomed clinicians, researchers and industry to Orlando, FL, to learn, earn continuing education credits, share knowledge and network on the latest developments in advanced wound care. As is typical during SAWC, the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders also held a meeting of their members. With the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) recently announced proposed changes in the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) governing Skin Substitutes/CTPs (cellular and/or tissue-based products), the Alliance pivoted and invited an expert to speak to the group about how the LCD process works and what laws govern what can be done at the MAC level versus the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) levels. Kudos go out to the team at the Alliance for bringing this meeting together. In addition to the Alliance meeting at SAWC, the MACs held open meetings for these LCDs from May 16 to May 29, and anyone, including manufacturers, could present comments, make a request and provide evidence. SmartTRAK participated in several of these meetings.

In this downloadable article, SmartTRAK gives an overview of LCDs, how they are drafted, the coverage limitations by wound type, issues surrounding evidence for inclusion on the covered list and an implementation timeline. For more information on what the proposed LCDs cover, see also “Medicare Administrative Contractors’ (MACs) LCD Changes: Impact on Skin Substitutes/CTPs.

Download the full article.

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