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Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Are Key to Health Care Access for Veterans

By Emry Lloyd

In a recent discussion by the House Committee, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) was praised for their focus on the improvement of health care access for veterans in rural areas. The committee specifically focused on the important role that certified registered nurse anesthetists have in assisting patients with health care challenges, and how this role can be further utilized to improved overall quality of care for veterans.

Prior to the house committee hearing, AANA submitted a testimony that stressed the importance of valuing data and supporting the top CRNA’s that practice independently in rural and underserved communities. In this setting, a CRNA may be the only anesthesia provider in all the hospitals that are nearby. After reading their testimony, the House Committee questioned why CRNA’s have not been recognized earlier or fully supported by the veteran’s health care system. This line of questioning aligned with what the AANA’s testimony wanted to prove, that CRNA’s play an important role in veteran health care and need the support necessary when they are the sole providers of care in rural/underserved communities.

"We are encouraged by the Committee's acknowledgment of the role CRNAs play in ensuring timely and quality health care access for our veterans this hearing reflects a commitment to addressing the challenges faced by veterans in rural areas and demonstrates in the Committee's commitment to ensure that VA is delivering on our promise to provide the best care for those who have served our nation,” said the President of the AANA, Dru Riddle.

The AANA looks forward to a bright future of collaboration with the House Committee on issues that involve Veterans’ Affairs. They want to guarantee that Veterans’ Affairs will implement policies that support veterans and their unique health care needs. Especially in rural communities where it can be more of a challenge to find a provider for specific conditions. The AANA wants CRNA’s to feel confident that they can provide the best quality of care for veterans, without the unnecessary roadblocks.


House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs highlights role of CRNAs in improving access to healthcare for veterans. News release. PR Newsire. Published January 12, 2024. Accessed January 15, 2024.


