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Welcome to AMP Virtual 2020!

Dear AMP Attendees,

On behalf of the Course Directors, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 10th annual Amputation Prevention Symposium (AMP). We started as a meeting ten years ago and, with your help, we have evolved into a global movement...a movement that has helped save limbs and lives. Despite promising advances in revascularization and team-based approaches to CLI and wound care, CLI remains a growing public health problem. The rapid growth of this event is reflective of the increasing need for CLI awareness, education, and guidelines. 

Although we unfortunately could not meet in person, we look forward to providing you with an amplified virtual meeting dedicated to groundbreaking CLI education. Now more than ever, our mission could not be more important. We are honored to host the AMP faculty, global leaders in our field, and attendees representing international, multispecialty CLI facilities.

The CLI Revolution has always been fueled by a multidisciplinary blend of clinical pathophysiology and therapeutic technologies represented by such greats as Charcot, Joslin, Dotter, DeBakey, Gruentzig, and Brand. As AMP turns 10 in 2020, we are excited to open with a Living Legends Lecture series in the spirit of the pioneers of limb salvage, vascular therapy, and wound management who continue to pass the baton to the next wave of CLI Fighters. We are pleased to have William Lombardi, MD present the Alan T. Hirsch Memorial Keynote Lecture: Never Give Up or Fail With Style. Life Lessons Learned from CTOs during the opening session.


Complex CLI cases will be broadcast daily by world-renowned operators from high-volume CLI centers and streamed directly to your home or office. Hands-off workshops will provide live demonstrations of cutting-edge devices. Our new “Gloves Off” Debates will offer expert insight to opposing sides on clinical, and sometimes controversial, CLI therapies.

Even though there won't be any handshakes or hugs this year, there are still plenty of ways to stay connected. We encourage you to visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall and learn more about the vital role that emerging therapies play in preventing amputations. Connect with colleagues and thought leaders through interactive Q&A, thought-provoking chat, a Network Lounge, and more. Be sure to participate socially and share your thoughts using #AMPCLI2020.

We are excited to release a full program of inspiration, education, and impactful networking direct to you, streamed completely online for the first time. Let’s continue our work to improve the future for CLI patients. CLI is not taking a break, and neither will we.


Thank you for joining us,

Jihad A. Mustapha, MD, FACC, FSCAI 

Amputation Prevention Symposium Founder