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Researchers Evaluate the Health of Patients Before and After PsA Diagnosis

Findings of a new study are shedding light on the physical and psychosocial health of patients both before and after their psoriatic arthritis (PsA) diagnosis.

“Data exploring the health of patients before and after the diagnosis of PsA are lacking. Understanding the impact and burden of the disease in PsA patients prior to and after diagnosis is important when aiming to diagnose early and to treat PsA patients to target,” the researchers wrote.

According to the results, compared with the general population, patients with PsA reported a higher prevalence of pain and poorer health status before diagnosis. The prevalence of both increased after the time of diagnosis.

In addition, after the diagnosis, patients with PsA experienced an increased prevalence of sleep disturbances and fatigue compared with those without PsA.

The study also revealed no differences in anxiety, depression, or satisfaction with life between patients with PsA and the control group either before or after the time of diagnosis.

The researchers had used data from the Nord‐Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) to reach these conclusions.

Among the 36,507 participants in both the HUNT2 (1995–1997) and HUNT3 (2006–2008) surveys, 160 were diagnosed with PsA over the 11-year period. These patients’ data were compared to data from the general population.

“Our data indirectly support the importance of early diagnosis and early aggressive treatment of inflammatory musculoskeletal involvement to reduce the burden of PsA,” the researchers concluded.

—Colleen Murphy


Haugeberg G, Lund Nilsen TI, Kavanaugh A, Thomsen RS, Gulati AM, Hoff M. Physical and psychosocial burden of psoriatic arthritis: longitudinal data from a population‐based study in Norway. Arthritis Care Res. 2021;73(1):138-145. doi:10.1002/acr.24412


