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Physician’s Global Assessment of Fingernail Psoriasis Found Valid

In a recent study, the Physician’s Global Assessment of Fingernail Psoriasis (PGA-F) was found to be both valid and reliable for use by rheumatologists treating patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

Using 3 separate clinician cohorts, researchers analyzed PGA-F in 3 stages. The first cohort consisted of rheumatologists who provided qualitative data, which established that PGA-F had content validity, acceptability, utility, and feasibility when assessing nail severity. The second study cohort, of investigators in a phase 3 clinical study, and the third cohort of newly recruited rheumatologists, provided a quantitative analysis of PGA-F data. The final stage included known-groups validity.

According to the quantitative analyses, there was a consensus that the PGA-F security levels were comprehensive of real-work patient symptoms. The PGA-F was also found to be simple to use and understand. Psychometric analyses supported PGA-F as a clinical outcomes assessment tool.

The study authors concluded that “the PGA-F was shown to be usable by rheumatologists to measure patients along the full range of the fingernail psoriasis severity spectrum, have a strong relationship with a conceptually similar reference measure, differentiate among patients based on fingernail psoriasis severity, and detect category severity change over a 24-week period.”


—Allison Casey


Hudgens S, Guigiu C, Guobyte A, et al. Validation of the Physician’s Global Assessment of Fingernail Psoriasis by rheumatologists treating psoriatic arthritis. Value Health. Published online May 25, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.04.1727


