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Orpyx® plantar measurement technologies include wearable sensors used to created life-changing health tools and empower patients and practitioners through data analytics. Our platform enables a proxy feedback system. Orpyx is an anagram of proxy. Clever, huh?

Our flagship product, Orpyx SI® sensory insoles, empower people with diabetes to maintain mobility by helping prevent diabetic foot ulcers and limb loss through advanced pressure, temperature and movement sensor technology and analytics. Orpyx SI sensory insoles are a patented, Class II Exempt system that is registered with the FDA and Health Canada.

We truly believe that the best treatment plan for diabetic foot ulcers is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

In addition, our Kinetyx™ system is used by researchers and practitioners to access clinical-grade data for advanced sports performance applications. The SurroGait Rx® system is designed to enable improved gait and balance for patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Orpyx is focused on collaborating with stakeholders around the world to achieve a healthcare future that is prevention focused and sustainable in cost.


Suite 205, 1240 - 20th Avenue S.E.
Calgary, AB T2G 1M8 Canada

(855) 996-7799

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