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Addressing the Complexities of the Opioid Epidemic Through Economic Evaluation and Policy Design

Hannah Musick

Research published in Substance Use & Misuse explores the challenges of conducting economic evaluation and designing effective policies in response to the US opioid epidemic, including issues related to fragmented health care systems and the lack of coordinated decision-making. 

Economic evaluation studies can assist in making difficult decisions regarding resource allocation for effective policies, but the unique characteristics of the opioid epidemic and the US health care system pose significant challenges to conducting economic evaluations and designing effective policies.  

“This commentary offers suggestions for how economic evaluation may address and overcome four key features of the opioid epidemic: 1) its magnitude and geographical distribution, 2) its intersection with multiple epidemics, 3) its rapidly changing dynamics, 4) its multi-sectoral causes and consequences,” stated researchers.  

Researchers highlighted the importance of economic evaluations that consider interventions at all levels of care to tackle opioid use disorder and its associated comorbidities effectively. Additionally, they explored the potential of predictive modeling and economic evaluation to address the evolving situation in different populations and regions and advocated for investments in epidemic preparedness.  

Furthermore, researchers proposed incorporating the interdependence of different government sectors impacted by the opioid crisis in economic evaluations to ensure efficient allocation of resources for a comprehensive response. 

“The opioid epidemic in the US represents an unprecedented public health challenge, but sound epidemiological modeling and economic analysis can help to guide use of limited resources committed to addressing it in ways that can have the greatest impact in limiting its adverse consequences,” said researchers.  


Patton T, Revill P, Sculpher M, et al. Using economic evaluation to inform responses to the opioid epidemic in the United States: challenges and suggestions for future research. Substance Use & Misuse. 2022;57(5):815–821. Doi:10.1080/10826084.2022.2026969 

