Great Debates in Pharmacy: Determining Excellence of a Pharmacist
Welcome to a new Pharmacy Learning Network feature, Great Debates in Pharmacy.
In this interactive debate series, pharmacy experts will assemble to exchange their views on topical (and at times controversial) issues in the pharmacy field. Debates are broken down into question-based segments and feature poll questions that you can answer to test your knowledge of the subject being debated and to provide your two cents on the issue at hand.
In this first installment of the Great Debates in Pharmacy series, follow along and answer questions as we explore what determines an outstanding pharmacist.
From left to right: Randolph Fugit, PharmD, BCPS, and Mark Munger, PharmD
In December, Dr. Munger wrote a blog post titled, "What Makes an Outstanding Pharmacist?" He questions if national board certification should be the only way to judge a pharmacist's ability to practice in a proficient, caring manner.
During this debate, Dr. Munger and Dr. Fugit discuss two topics. In round one, our speakers discuss, "What determines excellence in a pharmacist?" In round two, they discuss the question, "Can board certification be justified?"
Learn about our speakers, and hear their opening statements below, or read their comments here.
Before the Round 1 kicks off, respond to the poll question below to let us know your stance on what determines an outstanding pharmacist.
Great Debates in Pharmacy: Determining Excellence of a Pharmacist - Round 1
In round 1 of Great Debates in Pharmacy: Determining Excellence of a Pharmacist, experts Randolph Fugit PharmD, BCPS, and Mark Munger, PharmD, go head-to-head discussing what determines the excellence of a pharmacist.
Great Debates in Pharmacy: Determining Excellence of a Pharmacist - Round 2
In round 2 of Great Debates in Pharmacy: Determining Excellence of a Pharmacist, experts Randolph Fugit PharmD, BCPS, and Mark Munger, PharmD, go head-to-head discussing the question "Can board certification be justified?"