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FDA Approves First High Antigen Content Quadrivalent Flu Vaccine

Flublok Quadrivalent, a quadrivalent formulation of Flublok influenza vaccine, has received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use in adults aged 18 years and older, according to Protein Sciences Corporation. 

The vaccine is the first high antigen content quadrivalent influenza vaccine to be approved by the FDA, according to a press statement. In fact, it contains 3 times more active ingredient than other quadrivalent influenza vaccines.

Those who receive the Flublok Quadrivalent vaccine are protected against 4 strains of influenza, including 3 strains found in trivalent Flublok and an additional B strain. Like trivalent Flublok, the new quadrivalent vaccine is not made with infectious influenza virus, antibiotics, eggs, thimerosal, preservatives, gelatin, or latex. 

Patients who received Flublok Quadrivalent in a large clinical study were 40% less likely to get influenza as compared with individuals who received an egg-produced quadrivalent flu vaccine.

The most commonly reported side effect of Flublok is pain at the injection site. Headache, fatigue, and/or muscle ache may also occur in those who receive the vaccine.

The vaccine will be available early next year.—Meredith Edwards White
