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Benefits Associated With Embedded Onsite Pharmacy Services

Samantha Matthews

Kaiser Permanente Washington recently implemented a new strategy embedding a pharmacist within a large network partner for quality improvement, according to researchers presenting at AMCP 2022.

Researchers conducted an analysis to determine the care model’s impact on quality performance. Data was sourced from quality performance reports, medical records, and claims.

Study authors reported diabetes, medication therapy management (MTMP) and comprehensive medication review (CMR) completion, statin use in diabetics (SUPD), medication reconciliation post-hospital discharge (MRP), and osteoporosis management in women with fracture (OMW) as quality areas of focus.

Quality performance improvement associated with onsite pharmacy services was reported in the following instances:

  • “Diabetes A1c control: 15% improvement in the rate of patients with A1c > 9 to 5-STAR level over 3 years (2017: 29% vs 2020: 14%).
  • “MTMP and CMR completion: 29.7% improvement to 5-STAR level in 2018(60.5% vs 90.2%). Results sustained through 2020.
  • “SUPD: 7.2% improvement to 5-STAR level in 2018 (81.3% vs 88.5%). Results sustained through 2020.
  • “MRP: 51.4% improvement to 5-STAR level in 2018 (39% vs 90.4%). Results sustained through 2020.
  • “OMW: 21.5% improvement to 4-STAR level in 2019 (2018: 46.9% vs 2019: 68.4%).”

“This innovative model unites KPWA and a large network partner in the common goal of improving patient care through pharmacy initiatives that improve quality performance,” concluded study authors. “This innovative role broadly touches patient and provider experience by providing a large network partner with consistent, real-time, face-to-face pharmacy services.”

Researchers noted that growth models that promote expanded partnerships in the contracted network with a goal of affecting quality should be given consideration.

Thieman I, Forrester S. Innovative health plan and provider partner relationship: embedding a pharmacist in a contracted primary care practice improves quality. Poster presented at: AMCP 2022; March 29-April 1, 2022; Chicago, IL.