DSM-5 Revisions, Educating Clinicians About Anosognosia
In the final segment of this series, Lindsay Galvin Rauch, owner of Event Design Group, and Xavier Amador, PhD, cofounder and CEO, The Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia and the LEAP Institute, tackle the importance of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) revisions on helping to educate clinicians on diagnosing and treating patients with anosognosia.
In the previous Parts 1, 2, and 3, they discussed defining and diagnosing anosognosia as it relates to severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, how anosognosia impacts treatment noncompliance, and how to incorporate the LEAP approach in collaborative care.
>>Watch Part 1 Now: Defining and Diagnosing Anosognosia
>>Watch Part 2 Now: The Impact of Anosognosia and Noncompliance
>>Watch Part 3 Now: The Importance of Collaborative Care in Anosognosia Treatment
Transcript coming soon.
Dr Xavier Amador is Co-Founder and CEO of the Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia and the LEAP Institute, which has trained tens of thousands of clinicians, family caregivers, law enforcement, justice officials, and legislators worldwide on the evidence-based LEAP® method. Dr Amador is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, forensic expert, sought after speaker, and leader in his field. He is also a family caregiver of two close relatives with schizophrenia and another with bipolar disorder.
Lindsay Mary Galvin Rauch, is the youngest of twelve siblings, six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia—becoming one of the first families to be studied by the National Institute of Mental Health and the subject matter of Oprah's Book Club Selection, “Hidden Valley Road - Inside the Mind of an American Family” by Robert Kolker. Her journey inspired her to evolve from victim, to survivor, to advocate. She is also an accomplished co-owner of a meeting and event company for nearly 30 years, where she partners with industry-leading organizations, hospitals, doctors, and other keynote experts to produce impactful functions designed to engage and educate the public.