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How I Treat:
Adult ADHD


How I Treat: Adult ADHD With Dr Birgit Amann Case Presentation

Case Presentation:
Amplifying Life Skills With Adult ADHD Management
Author Name
Birgit Amann, MD, PLLC

The Case:

JD is a 44 year old Caucasian male who presents for an initial evaluation.

His top concerns are that he has struggled for years with feeling very overwhelmed and unable to perform adequately at his job. He has been passed up on many promotions. JD reports issues with his relationship with his wife, in part due to financial stress. Additionally, these matters have caused him to experience some depression.

JD gave a history of having been on many different antidepressants over the years, stating, "I've been on all of them." Most offered him little to no relief. He has had brief psychotherapy and some marital therapy courses but was not consistent in maintaining either.

JD talks about feeling like he has never worked up to his full potential - not as an adult, nor in his younger years, and he recalls hearing this from many of his teachers and parents multiple times. This has had a very negative impact on his self-esteem.

When asked about a family history of psychiatric illness, JD recalls a niece or nephew being treated for ADHD.

Currently, JD is on no medications. He is hesitant to try 'the same old thing' and 'get no help,' but he is receptive to getting a new opinion on his diagnosis and perhaps a different type of treatment approach.

What the Expert Says:

Birgit H. Amann, MD, is the medical director of the Behavioral Medical Center in Troy, MI, and treats children, adolescents, and adults. Dr Amann is board certified in Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry. She has served as a primary and sub-investigator in numerous ADHD and mood disorder medication trials. Dr Amann is a graduate of the Wayne State University School of Medicine and pursued her residency in Adult Psychiatry through the Henry Ford Health Systems. Following her residency, she completed a Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Hospitals in Ann Arbor, MI. before spending 9 years as the associate medical director for the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine in Rochester Hills, MI. 


