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Sleep and Immune Function


"How are sleep and immune function connected?"

Vladimir Maletic, MD:
Sleep is just one of the many rhythmic activities that are regulated by the function of our “internal clock.” Hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) acts as our personal atomic clock; it is a nexus of pace-making network distributed throughout our brain and body. Secondary timekeepers in the brain include olfactory bulb, amygdala, and hippocampus. Metabolic processes and synthetic activity of liver and even skin cells are synchronized with the activity of SCN. 1,2 Over millennia of evolution, circadian coordination has become increasingly more complex to include regulation of sleep and wakefulness, hormonal secretion (eg, cortisol and growth hormone), autonomic function, synthesis of neurotransmitters, temperature regulation, motoric activity, and even memory consolidation! 1,2,3

Melatonin—one of the circadian signaling molecules that helps entrain sleep to external light cycle—also has a prominent role in modulating immune function. 4  Conversely, inflammatory cytokines play a major role in sleep initiation. 5,6  Both are substantially influenced by “stress-modulators”—corticosteroids and norepinephrine. 7  Not surprisingly, some conditions characterized by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic disturbance, such as major depressive disorder and chronic pain, tend also to be associated with significant sleep disturbance. 8  As a matter of fact, “flattening” of the cortisol curve in patients with depression is correlated not only with severity of depressive symptoms, but also impairment in sleep quality and reduction of total sleep time! 9

Recent studies have described elevation of inflammatory cytokines, mediators of innate immunity, during the sleep phase. Conversely, wakefulness is associated by greater activity of acquired immunity manifested by T- and B-lymphocytes and circulating antibodies. Under usual circumstances anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-10 (IL-10), have lower levels during sleep and higher levels during the wake hours. Sleep deprivation creates a disturbance in immune regulation: elevation of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-12) in the early morning hours with concomitant reduction of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10). 10-13 This type of immune imbalance commonly leads to a sense of fatigue, sleepiness, body-aches, irritability, anxiety, depressed mood, and diminished concentration 12,14 ; a state that may conjure up memories of mornings after busy call nights. Elevation of inflammatory cytokines is associated with autonomic disturbance and glucocorticoid receptor insensitivity, often leading to flattening of cortisol curve and functional corticoid insufficiency. 7,14

No need to spell it out: sleep-immune disturbance is likely to become self-perpetuating. Based on this description, one would expect to find association between sleep and circadian disorders and multiple medical conditions related to increased inflammatory response and immune dysregulation. This is unfortunately true: insomnia and circadian disorders are commonly associated with substantially elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. 15,16  Recent scientific discoveries like the ones connecting somatic illness with sleep-immune disorders have virtually rendered Cartesian mind-body duality obsolete.

–Vladimir Maletic, MD



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  2. Gillette MU, Mitchell JW.  Signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus: selectively responsive and integrative.  Cell Tissue Res.  2002;309(1):99-107.
  3. Buhr ED, Yoo SH, Takahashi JS.  Temperature as a universal resetting cue for mammalian circadian oscillators.  Science.  2010;330(6002):379-385.
  4. Carrillo-Vico A, Guerrero JM, Lardone PJ, Reiter RJ.  A review of the multiple actions of melatonin on the immune system.  Endocrine.  2005;27(2):189-200.
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  8. Maletic V, Raison CL.  Neurobiology of depression, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain. Front Biosci.  2009;14:5291-5338.
  9. Hsiao FH, Yang TT, Ho RT, et al.  The self-perceived symptom distress and health-related conditions associated with morning to evening diurnal cortisol patterns in outpatients with major depressive disorder.  Psychoneuroendocrinology.  2010;35(4):503-515.
  10. Lange T, Dimitrov S, Born J.  Effects of sleep and circadian rhythm on the human immune system. 2010;1193:48-59.
  11. Lange T, Dimitrov S, Fehm HL, Westermann J, Born J.  Shift of monocyte function toward cellular immunity during sleep.  Arch Intern Med.  2006;166(16):1695-1700.
  12. Lorton D, Lubahn CL, Estus C, et al.  Bidirectional communication between the brain and the immune system: implications for physiological sleep and disorders with disrupted sleep.  Neuroimmunomodulation.  2006;13(5-6):357-374.
  13. Burgos I, Richter L, Klein T, et al.  Increased nocturnal interleukin-6 excretion in patients with primary insomnia: a pilot study.  Brain Behav Immun.  2006;20(3):246-253.
  14. Raison CL, Capuron L, Miller AH.  Cytokines sing the blues : inflammation and the pathogenesis of depression.  Trends Immunol.  2006;27(1):24-31.
  15. Foster RG, Wulff K.  The rhythm of rest and excess.  Nat Rev Neurosci.  2005;6(5):407-414.
  16. Wulff K, Gatti S, Wettstein JG, Foster RG.  Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease.  Nat Rev Neurosci.  2010;11(8):589-599.



