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Value-Based Insurance Design in Cancer Care: Right Drug, Right Person, Right Time


Day 2 of the Oncology Clinical Pathways Congress features presentations from pathways experts well-versed in value-based payment models. This multi-part series will present examples of current value-based care programs and practical strategies to achieve greater value in care delivery. Various stakeholders will provide their definitions of “value,” with perspectives from the employer, payer, provider, and pathway vendor represented.

In this video, featured speaker, Sonali Fonseca, PhD, Commercial Vice President, Elsevier ClinicalPath (formerly ViaOncology) demonstrates how pathways are an important tool to participate in value-based models in a predictable and sustainable manner. ClinicalPath is a widely used pathways program that was awarded the MedTech Breakthrough Award for Best Computerized Decision Support Solution for 2 consecutive years.

Hear more from Dr Fonseca during her session on October 17, 2020, at 6:25pm EST at the Virtual Oncology Clinical Pathways Congress. Register for the event and access the session here.


