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Data Science for HCPs

The Guardrails of Data Science: Regulations and Certifications for Health Care
Data Science for HCPs
In this blog post, Michael Towbin and colleagues explore the guidelines intended to provide guardrails for data science efforts.
In this blog post, Michael Towbin and colleagues explore the guidelines intended to provide guardrails for data science efforts.
In this blog post, Michael...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Finding the Signal in the Noise During COVID-19: A Survey on Multiple Sclerosis
Data Science for HCPs
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues break down the intersection between COVID-19 and multiple sclerosis, including how the virus has affected access to care and the wide adoption of telehealth care delivery.
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues break down the intersection between COVID-19 and multiple sclerosis, including how the virus has affected access to care and the wide adoption of telehealth care delivery.
David Hughes, BSN, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading: The ETL of Data Engineering
Data Science for HCPs
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues explain data extraction in layman’s terms, including what it takes to wrangle data into a usable shape and the end result of data engineering.
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues explain data extraction in layman’s terms, including what it takes to wrangle data into a usable shape and the end result of data engineering.
David Hughes, BSN, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Data Science for HCPs
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues detail the journey of data engineering from source to secure transport, storage, and versioning to its ultimate deployment.
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues detail the journey of data engineering from source to secure transport, storage, and versioning to its ultimate deployment.
David Hughes, BSN, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Data Science for HCPs
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues lay the foundation for understanding data science, drawing comparisons from chess and poker and the history of the scientific method.
David Hughes, BSN, and colleagues lay the foundation for understanding data science, drawing comparisons from chess and poker and the history of the scientific method.
David Hughes, BSN, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Data Science for HCPs
In the first installment of the new Data Science for Health Care Professionals blog series, David Hughes, BSN, Octave Bioscience, underscores the role of data in health care today and how this series will help make data science concepts more...
In the first installment of the new Data Science for Health Care Professionals blog series, David Hughes, BSN, Octave Bioscience, underscores the role of data in health care today and how this series will help make data science concepts more...
In the first installment of the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways