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Increasing age, historical fracture, and opioid use are associated with higher odds of fracture in ankylosing spondylitis (AS), according to a study published in Arthritis Care & Research. “We performed a retrospective cohort study...
Increasing age, historical fracture, and opioid use are associated with higher odds of fracture in ankylosing spondylitis (AS), according to a study published in Arthritis Care & Research. “We performed a retrospective cohort study...
Increasing age, historical...
First Report Managed Care
“Patients experience a wide range of burden associated with treatments used for PsA and RA,” said researchers.
“Patients experience a wide range of burden associated with treatments used for PsA and RA,” said researchers.
“Patients experience a wide...
First Report Managed Care
The Delphi methodology effectively establishes consensus on the diagnosis of Demodex blepharitis (DB), including signs and symptoms, but does not determine the best course of treatment or how to grade the severity of the disease, according to...
The Delphi methodology effectively establishes consensus on the diagnosis of Demodex blepharitis (DB), including signs and symptoms, but does not determine the best course of treatment or how to grade the severity of the disease, according to...
The Delphi methodology...
First Report Managed Care
The 2023 PCMA annual meeting had a wide variety of topics across the PBM and specialty pharmacy spectrum.
The 2023 PCMA annual meeting had a wide variety of topics across the PBM and specialty pharmacy spectrum.
The 2023 PCMA annual meeting had...
First Report Managed Care
Fifteen patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) showed stability in lesion load, brain activity, and clinical and laboratory outcomes, with no serious adverse events, 12 months after receiving an injection of human stem...
Fifteen patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) showed stability in lesion load, brain activity, and clinical and laboratory outcomes, with no serious adverse events, 12 months after receiving an injection of human stem...
Fifteen patients with secondary...
First Report Managed Care
The US Food and Drug Administration’s recent approval of the AAV5 DetectCDx test marked the agency’s first-ever approval of a companion diagnostic test for a gene therapy product.
The US Food and Drug Administration’s recent approval of the AAV5 DetectCDx test marked the agency’s first-ever approval of a companion diagnostic test for a gene therapy product.
The US Food and Drug...
First Report Managed Care
Between 2015 and 2021, 33 biosimilars of 11 biologic drugs received FDA approval. Two-thirds of the biosimilars had skinny labels, according to the study. Among 21 biosimilars marketed before 2022, 13 had skinny labels.
Between 2015 and 2021, 33 biosimilars of 11 biologic drugs received FDA approval. Two-thirds of the biosimilars had skinny labels, according to the study. Among 21 biosimilars marketed before 2022, 13 had skinny labels.
Between 2015 and 2021, 33...
First Report Managed Care
Targeted interventions to increase physical activity among US adults with asthma may benefit from considering gender, race, health status, and limitation status, according to a study published in the Journal of Asthma.
Targeted interventions to increase physical activity among US adults with asthma may benefit from considering gender, race, health status, and limitation status, according to a study published in the Journal of Asthma.
Targeted interventions to...
First Report Managed Care
“By minimizing the accumulation of neurological damage early in the disease course, early treatment with HETs may enhance long-term clinical outcomes over the lifetime of the patient,” said researchers.
“By minimizing the accumulation of neurological damage early in the disease course, early treatment with HETs may enhance long-term clinical outcomes over the lifetime of the patient,” said researchers.
“By minimizing the accumulation...
First Report Managed Care
Research indicates that switching between biosimilars is safe and effective, supporting the use of biosimilars to decrease costs and improve access to biological medicines.
Research indicates that switching between biosimilars is safe and effective, supporting the use of biosimilars to decrease costs and improve access to biological medicines.
Research indicates that...
First Report Managed Care