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World Stroke Day 2022: Recognizing Stroke Symptoms Can Save You or Your Loved Ones

Knowing BE FAST and calling 911 can prevent a lifetime of disability or death

FAIRFAX, Va., Oct. 27, 2022 /-- Ahead of World Stroke Day, Oct. 29, physicians from the Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign are urging the public to embrace a simple truth: Strokes are emergencies, and they require calling 911 for immediate triage, transport, and treatment. Thousands of American have strokes each year, and they require timely care in order to prevent disability or worse.

Doctors from the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS) have long flagged that "time is brain." That is, the quicker a patient gets to appropriate care, the more brain cells are saved and the greater the chance for survival and limiting disability. However, audience research shows that people often ignore stroke symptoms or drive themselves to the hospital, therefore missing vital in-transit assessment and triage by EMS personnel who coordinate with doctors and stroke care teams to ensure efficient transport and the best course of treatment.

"By knowing BE FAST, an acronym used to spot signs of stroke, you can save your life or the lives of others," said J Mocco, MD, MS, SNIS president and senior vice chair of Mount Sinai Neurosurgery in New York, NY. "If you notice any symptoms: (B) loss of balance, (E) loss of or blurry eyesight, (F) face drooping, (A) arm weakness, or (S) speech difficulty, then (T) it's time to call 911. You may feel like you're overreacting, but you're not — stroke is an emergency and delaying treatment can result in disability or death."

In the past decade, new breakthroughs in stroke treatment have dramatically increased the chances that patients experiencing severe strokes not only survive the stroke but come through without major, long-term disabilities. Thrombectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that uses a catheter guided by x-ray to remove the clot, has been proven effective in treating severe stroke, allowing patients to return to their lives with minimal recovery time. Specialized care teams at Level 1 stroke centers (also known as comprehensive stroke centers) can perform thrombectomies 24/7/365.

"This World Stroke Day, we want people to know that strokes can happen to anyone, at any age," added Dr. Mocco. "If you notice something is not right, call 911 to ensure treatment begins right away."

Get Ahead of Stroke® is currently working to improve stroke care state-by-state through policy changes that will ensure severe stroke patients get the level of care they need to survive and thrive. Through its public awareness and advocacy activities, the campaign has meaningfully helped improve stroke systems across the country, benefitting thousands of patients. Visit this webpage for information on BE FAST, watch stroke survivor stories, and more: 

Get Ahead of Stroke® is a national public education and advocacy campaign designed to improve systems of care for stroke patients. Founded in 2016 by the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS), today the campaign is supported by a coalition of organizations with the goal of securing the best possible outcomes for stroke patients by driving policy change and public awareness nationwide. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

World Stroke Day is a global awareness day established by the World Stroke Organization that provides a global platform for the stroke community to increase awareness and drive action on stroke around the world.


