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HRS 2023

The Importance of Radiation Safety Education: Interview With Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green, MD

Featuring Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green, MD

Dr Birgersdotter-Green talks with EP Lab Digest at Heart Rhythm 2023, which took place May 19-21, 2023.


Hi, everyone, I am Ricky Green. I'm an electrophysiologist at the University of California in San Diego. We are near the end of Heart Rhythm 2023. It has been a great meeting, with fantastic science and fantastic centers, and I've really enjoyed seeing such a good turnout.

I wanted to take this opportunity to bring up the topic of radiation safety, which I feel needs to continue to stay at the forefront of our discussions.

I've done electrophysiology (EP) for a long time. I've been in the EP lab for many long days and long hours, and I'm still worried about that dosimeter coming off at the end of the month. Then I inevitably get that email that says, “Dr. Green, have you been having other people use your dosimeter?” I always say, no, it's just me.

However, I’m not the only one. This is scattered radiation to everyone in the EP lab, so we need to make sure that we're all staying as safe as we can.

I really appreciate industry support. There is a lot that we have. But let's keep innovating. Let not forget about this. This is about all of us in the EP lab, and I want to make sure that we are as safe as possible. So, thank you to all of you who keep innovating in this space.

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