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Restore Medical Announces First in Human Trial for Treatment of Heart Failure in Patients

ContraBand technology helps restore the heart’s functionality and may significantly improve patients’ quality of life

Or Yehuda, Israel, December 1, 2021 – Restore Medical Ltd., a clinical-stage MedTech company developing cardiac implants for the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF), announced promising preliminary results of the First-in-Human clinical trial of ContraBand™, a breakthrough treatment for patients suffering from CHF. The minimally-invasive, catheter-delivered implants are used to treat patients with chronic left ventricular failure, where the heart is unable to pump sufficient oxygen-rich blood through the body.

Restore Medical has successfully implanted the ContraBand™ in its first patients at the ZNA medical center in Middelheim, Antwerp, Belgium, followed by Kaplan Medical Center in Israel.

“These first procedures are milestones in proving the ContraBand™ technology to be both safe and effective for heart failure patients,” said Gilad Marom, CEO of Restore Medical. “The positive impact this treatment can have on the millions of people suffering from CHF cannot be underestimated. Not only will it transform the quality of life of treated patients, but it will also reduce the enormous financial burden that comes as a result of patients being under-treated.”

The ContraBand™ is expected to relieve symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life by causing the healthy right ventricle to assist the failing left ventricle. The function of the implants is fully reversible even long after the procedure, which is unique in the field of cardiovascular implants.

CHF is a progressive, debilitating disease and is one of the leading causes of mortality, with less than half of patients surviving five years after diagnosis and only 30% surviving ten years. With 25% of patients returning to the hospital within a month of discharge, it is also the leading cause of repeat hospitalizations. CHF affects tens of millions of people worldwide, including 6.2 million in the United States alone, and is considered the largest unmet clinical and financial need facing global healthcare systems.

About Restore Medical Ltd.

Restore Medical has developed a novel technology that restores the geometry of failing hearts to improve patients’ quality of life. The company, which is led by the CEO Gilad Marom, was established in 2015 by Dr. Elchanan Bruckheimer (Medical Director), Aaron Feldman (board member) and Stephen Bellomo (VP, Clinical Affairs). The main investors include Incentive Incubator, Peregrine Ventures, Allegro and a strategic investor. Today, Restore Medical’s team includes top clinicians, engineers, and high-level specialists with extensive knowledge and experience in developing implantable cardiovascular devices and bringing these devices to market.


