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Guest Editorial

Clinical Practice Reflection: A Discussion Between Treating Physician and Patient

Ermin Tale, BS; William R Blazey, DO; Todd J Cohen, MD

New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury, New York

Since joining the faculty at New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) in 2019, Dr Todd J Cohen, chief of cardiology and clinical professor, has participated in one-on-one doctor-patient encounters in front of the first- and second-year medical classes at NYITCOM. The title of these 1-hour encounters is called “Clinical Practice Reflection.” The discussions are meant to be inspirational, educational, and informative, and to humanize the patient experience with early learners. The link here shows a video discussion with Dr Cohen and his patient Darlene Magliore, who was featured in this article from EP Lab Digest’s July 2022 issue.1

Figure. Word cloud of student reflections of CPR. Generated by Dr Blazey using the most-listed words mentioned in the student reflections on Darlene’s CPR session. The most-highlighted themes from the reflections include patient awareness and medical technological advancements.

A follow-up of our previously published case study, this interactive dialogue between treating cardiologist Dr Cohen and patient Darlene Magliore explores the medical management that has allowed her to live a fulfilling life. Diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) at an early age, Darlene was one of 100 patients to undergo a novel surgical approach at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in 1962 at 9 years of age. Darlene considers herself very fortunate and reflects on her life-changing procedure. She later talks about the advancements in cardiac rhythm management that she has benefited from during the course of her life, which she describes as “life changing.” The once “blue baby” was no more, and she has gone on live a normal, healthy life.

This interactive dialogue was hosted at NYITCOM in front of approximately 600 students. They were led through the historical advancements of ToF correction, from the Blalock-Thomas-Taussig shunt to complete surgical repair, to Darlene’s case and medical management throughout her life, as well as possible future medical management options for her. Additionally, time was given to reflect on diversity, equity, and inclusion considerations with the contributions to advances in care through Dr Vivien Thomas. At the conclusion of the session, students were asked to share their thoughts on how they benefited from the session (Figure). Through this Clinical Practice Reflection video, future physicians and other health care workforce members can learn what the medical students at NYITCOM witnessed, specifically, how empathy and optimal medical management from a treating physician can positively impact a patient’s quality of life.

Editor's note: Video link is available with permission from NYITCOM and Darlene Magliore.


  1. Tale E, Nikakis J, Malkov D, Arora U, Jose J, Cohen TJ. A 58-year follow-up of complete surgical correction of Tetralogy of Fallot: a marvel of modern medicine. EP Lab Digest. 2022;22(7):18-19.


