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Volume 8 - Issue 6 - June 2008

Tell us about how and when you were diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). Had other family members already been diagnosed before that time? I was the first in my family to be diagnosed. It happened in 1991 after a sudden cardiac arrest at...
Tell us about how and when you were diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). Had other family members already been diagnosed before that time? I was the first in my family to be diagnosed. It happened in 1991 after a sudden cardiac arrest at...
Tell us about how and when you...
EP Lab Digest
Background The patient was a 33-year-old white female who presented with symptoms of dyspnea, palpitations, and fatigue that had been present for six months. A 48-hour Holter monitor demonstrated 68,356 premature ventricular complexes...
Background The patient was a 33-year-old white female who presented with symptoms of dyspnea, palpitations, and fatigue that had been present for six months. A 48-hour Holter monitor demonstrated 68,356 premature ventricular complexes...
Background The patient was a...
EP Lab Digest
Patient Information and Understanding Lacking When Faced with Cardiac Device Recalls Although nearly 80 percent of patients prefer to receive cardiac device recall information directly from their cardiologist, more than half primarily...
Patient Information and Understanding Lacking When Faced with Cardiac Device Recalls Although nearly 80 percent of patients prefer to receive cardiac device recall information directly from their cardiologist, more than half primarily...
Patient Information and...
EP Lab Digest
In my time as the manager of a dynamic and lively EP lab at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, I have learned many things. In my opinion, these are the five things that have contributed to our department’s success. 1. Shared...
In my time as the manager of a dynamic and lively EP lab at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, I have learned many things. In my opinion, these are the five things that have contributed to our department’s success. 1. Shared...
In my time as the manager of a...
EP Lab Digest
Explain T-wave alternans testing. What were your goals in doing this T-wave alternans research? T-wave alternans (TWA) is a measure of cardiac electrical instability that has been used to predict long-term risk of arrhythmia by measuring...
Explain T-wave alternans testing. What were your goals in doing this T-wave alternans research? T-wave alternans (TWA) is a measure of cardiac electrical instability that has been used to predict long-term risk of arrhythmia by measuring...
Explain T-wave alternans...
EP Lab Digest
New Questions: Mobile EP Labs I was wondering if anyone is aware of any functioning mobile EP labs? I have found little information on mobile electrophysiology laboratories. I am specifically wondering how one is set up, the cost to run...
New Questions: Mobile EP Labs I was wondering if anyone is aware of any functioning mobile EP labs? I have found little information on mobile electrophysiology laboratories. I am specifically wondering how one is set up, the cost to run...
New Questions: Mobile EP...
EP Lab Digest
For 2008, the focus was on “Late-Breaking Clinical Trials.” The sponsor of this meeting was the Al-Sabah Arrhythmia Institute of St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Co-Chairmen of...
For 2008, the focus was on “Late-Breaking Clinical Trials.” The sponsor of this meeting was the Al-Sabah Arrhythmia Institute of St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Co-Chairmen of...
For 2008, the focus was on...
EP Lab Digest
This report describes two cases in which upper extremity vascular occlusion precluded sub-pectoral implantation, at which time the patient opted for the femoral approach. Previous literature describes successful follow-up periods of up to six...
This report describes two cases in which upper extremity vascular occlusion precluded sub-pectoral implantation, at which time the patient opted for the femoral approach. Previous literature describes successful follow-up periods of up to six...
This report describes two cases...
EP Lab Digest

This case report is based on an accepted poster abstract1 from the January 2008 Boston AF Symposium co-authored by Seiichiro Matsuo, MD, Mélèze Hocini, MD, *Olivier Leonard, Sébastien Knecht, MD, Isabelle Nault, MD, Kang-Teng Lim, MBBS, Matthew Wright, MBBS, PhD, Nicolas Lellouche, MD, Nicolas Derval, MD, Frederic Sacher, MD, Pierre Jaïs, MD, Jacques Clementy, MD and Michel Haïssaguerre, MD, at the Hôpital cardiologique du Haut-L’Evêque, Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France, and *Bard Electrophysiology in Lowell, Massachusetts

This case report is based on an accep...
Dominant Frequency (DF) mapping and AF cycle length (AFCL) monitoring software features are two of many features available on Bard’s LabSystem™ PRO EP recording system in the new EPLogix™ Mapping and Analysis Suite. The LabSystem PRO provides...
Dominant Frequency (DF) mapping and AF cycle length (AFCL) monitoring software features are two of many features available on Bard’s LabSystem™ PRO EP recording system in the new EPLogix™ Mapping and Analysis Suite. The LabSystem PRO provides...
Dominant Frequency (DF) mapping...
EP Lab Digest


Feature Interview
I had always wanted to be a pediatric nurse, and only came to the Cleveland Clinic for some job experience. It is now 36 years later!
I had always wanted to be a pediatric nurse, and only came to the Cleveland Clinic for some job experience. It is now 36 years later!
I had always wanted to be a...
EP Lab Digest