Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) Update
Create a Goal This Year to Become More Active in Your Professional Society
The 2012–2014 SICP Executive Committee has identified our own goals for the year: increasing communication with members, increasing our offering of review courses to prepare our members for certification exams, creating an online CEU program for our members, reviewing and updating the professional scope of practice, and continuing to focus on national advocacy for the RCIS credential. As you can see, we have set a number of truly ambitious goals that we wish to accomplish. However, the executive committee will not be successful in our endeavors without your help.
The SICP has several standing committees that are vital to the success of the society. These committees are currently seeking new volunteers. We invite you to consider becoming more active and volunteering for one of the following committees:
Legislative/Advocacy Committee: The key responsibilities of the Legislative/Advocacy Committee will be to identify hot topics or items that may present potential issues for SICP members. The Legislative/Advocacy Committee Chair will work closely with the SICP Leadership as needed.
Conference Committee: The key responsibilities for the Conference Committee are to assist with site selection and to help coordinate with staff the conference schedules and speakers.
Industry Committee: The key responsibilities of the Industry Committee are to identify and solicit sponsors for the Annual Meeting and Continuing Education Conference, as well as other educational events or offerings as tasked by the Society.
Publications Committee: The key responsibilities of the Publications Committee are to help identify or write articles and send them to SICP for possible publication.
Education Committee: The key responsibilities of the Education Committee are to identify lecture topics and secure speakers working with the Conference Committee on the Annual Meeting.
Educators Committee: This committee is for the Educators by the Educators. A group of invasive and electrophysiology instructors committed to the continued education of the Invasive Cardiovascular Specialist. This committee will be the Society’s link to the Student population.
Standards Committee: The key responsibilities of the Standards Committee are to review currently published SICP Standards and Issues. They are also tasked with identifying and determining the need for new Standards or Issues. The committee will also be asked to field questions from the SICP membership as needed.
Please consider participating with one of these committees. If you have questions about a committee or what you would be doing specifically, please contact SICP Membership Coordinator Holly Currie at
I look forward to working with each of you as we strive to obtain our goals for this year. Together, we can continue to strengthen our profession for the benefit of our patients.
SICP at New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) 2013 New Cardiovascular Horizons 14th Annual Conference
June 5–7, 2013
New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA
The Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals is proud to partner again with NCVH this year. We are offering SICP’s Signature RCIS and RCES Review Courses, Wet Lab, and Contemporary Topics for Cath Lab Professionals.
We have invited the program directors from top cardiovascular technology programs, including Jeff Davis from Edison State College in Fort Myers, FL, and Sally Elliott from Sentara College of Health Sciences in Chesapeake, VA, to serve as course directors and faculty for these outstanding educational programs.
The review courses will help prepare attendees to sit for the Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS) or the Registered Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Specialist (RCES) exam offered by Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI).
In addition, SICP’s “Contemporary Topics for Cath Lab Professionals” will offer two days of education featuring internationally known speakers covering topics of interest to both novices and seasoned cath lab professionals. Featured topics will include Trans Pedal Arch Reconstruction, Radial Approach, Coronary & Peripheral Imaging Views, Cardiac & Vascular Technology, Transitioning Your Lab from Cardiac to Cardiac and Vascular, and Current Perspectives on FFR & IVUS along with other contemporary topics related to cardiovascular laboratories.
An emphasis on state-of-the-art technology, fundamental practices and shared experiences of veteran cardiovascular professionals guarantees that SICP’s “Contemporary Concepts for Cath Lab Professionals” will be relevant, stimulating and informative. Given the current trend of cross training and cross coverage in the consolidated suites in our hospitals (Coronary, Peripheral, and EP), the faculty understand the importance of the all-inclusive approach for the audience.
SICP members may register for a drastically reduced rate of $299 online at Enter SICP13 as the discount code to receive this rate. The $299 registration rate is for the ENTIRE conference, including SICP’s Signature RCIS/RCES Review Courses, Wet Lab, Contemporary Concepts for Cath Lab Professionals Sessions, and three days of education at NCVH. SICP Membership will be verified prior to arrival at the conference. The nonmember registration rate is $599–$799.
For a limited time, the room rate at the New Orleans Marriott is $169 per night. Call 1-504-581-1000 or 1-888-364-1200 and reference NCVH to receive the group rate of $169. See you there!
Heart Month 2013
Each year SICP supports and promotes American Heart Month. Purchase your Heart Month Kit now for immediate shipment in February 2013. Kits include an e-Poster, ink pens, SICP tote bag, and SICP Balloons!
Order your kit at today.
HealtheCareers is a generous partner to SICP, contributing a small amount to SICP for each member that registers, again for each member that uploads a resume, and again for each member that applies for a job. It’s an easy way for you to help SICP as well as help yourself!
Register today!
Legislation and Advocacy Awareness
SICP is committed to advancing the profession. One way to do that continually is to monitor what is happening around the country. We cannot do this alone. We need your participation to effectively do this. Please remember to share your input and your experiences. SICP Membership is a valuable way to communicate with others in the profession.
Contact us at today for more information on how to be involved!
Effective July 1, 2013, Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) will officially remove the RCIS1 Qualification (also referred to as the On-the-Job Training qualification) that allows applicants who ONLY have two (2) years (full-time or full-time equivalent) working in Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, at the time of application, to qualify for CCI’s Invasive Registry examination.
Read the full press release at or
Join SICP or Renew Your SICP Membership!
SICP is your advocate at the state and national levels. The SICP is the premier advocate for the invasive cardiovascular professional. Join or renew today, and contribute to the promotion and advancement of your profession!
SICP 2013 Goals:
- Maintain a close bond to the local chapters and our members in general
- Increase communication with effective and pertinent information to our members
- Implement online CEU module
- Implement a membership survey
- Increase committee involvement
- Increase advocacy and legislative awareness and activity
To join or renew your SICP membership, please visit