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Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) Update

Patrick Hoier, BS, RCIS, FSICP, Invasive Cardiovascular Program Director, Southeast Technical Institute, Sioux Falls, SD, and President Elect, SICP
November 2012

The new officers for SICP’s 2012–2014 Executive Committee have recently been appointed, and we are beginning our action plans. As your new President Elect, I look forward to the next several years, as I serve the SICP membership and the invasive cardiovascular profession with pleasure.

SICP needs to form a closer bond to the local chapters and our members in general. As President Elect, I assure you that listening and communicating with our members is one of the most important focuses for the SICP Executive Committee. Our professional dedication and vision for the profession across the nation is critical to our Society’s success. We are committed to communicating more often, more effectively, and more pertinently to our members.

This past summer I was fortunate to meet with the Nebraska chapter. Meeting with the Nebraska chapter offered opportunities to identify chapter/member needs and concerns. The meeting was very productive, and I was excited to see what this chapter is planning to accomplish in the future. I also look forward to meeting with other chapters in the coming years. SICP President Sally Elliott and I are making a concerted effort to reach out to each SICP chapter to meet the membership and spend time learning about you. If you are in a chapter area and would like to have us visit, we would love to do so! Please email your meeting dates to SICP Executive Director Nicole Shore,, to make arrangements.

SICP’s Executive Committee will initiate several projects in the near future that we know will add value to your SICP membership.

In the works is SICP’s first online CEU program that will offer contemporary topics for those RCIS and RCES credentialed members.

Watch for a member survey in your inbox in the near future. We wish to identify areas on which SICP should focus to better serve our members as well as to obtain your impressions about general professional and Society matters. 

Committee activity has declined in recent years, and we are making a concerted effort to revive these committees and activities. We truly desire your participation on these committees.

Advocacy continues to be an area of interest and focus for SICP. We are monitoring and following progress of the CARE Bill that has been reintroduced in the United States Congress. This legislation will set a national minimum standard for training of all medical imaging in the United States. This legislation has the possibility of significantly impacting how medical imaging is performed in the U.S., and may impact the future of our profession. Our concerns are great, and we are trying to stay informed about each state’s position.

SICP’s goal is to promote advocacy awareness and support the national bill currently being reviewed by both houses of Congress, ensuring that the RCIS and RCES registry are recognized in the bill and accompanying mandates.

As members, chapters and concerned professionals, we ask YOU to keep us informed of continued issues you are facing.

SICP will make every effort to support your needs; however, we need the members in each state to take an active role in the effort. SICP’s Executive Committee is eager to find resolutions for all states, but as we are a group of volunteers and are widespread, it is at times difficult for us to be aware of all issues.

SICP is very interested in hearing from you. We want to ensure that the invasive cardiovascular profession — and the RCES credential — is recognized for the important role it plays in patient care and procedural success. With your help, and your membership, we hope to raise awareness regarding the necessity of our profession. Contact us at


HealtheCareers is a generous partner to SICP, contributing a small amount to SICP for each member that registers, again for each member that uploads a resume, as well as for each member that applies for a job. It’s an easy way for you to help SICP as well as help yourself! 
Register today!

Legislation and Advocacy Awareness

SICP is committed to advancing the profession. One way to do that continually is to monitor what is happening around the country. We cannot do this alone. We need your participation to effectively do this. Please remember to share your input and your experiences. SICP membership is a valuable way to communicate with others in the profession.

Just a Reminder

Effective July 1, 2013, Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) will officially remove the RCIS1 Qualification (also referred to as the On-the-Job Training qualification) that allows applicants who ONLY have two (2) years (full-time or full-time equivalent) working in Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, at the time of application, to qualify for CCI’s Invasive Registry examination.

RCIS & RCES Review Courses
March 23–24, 2013: Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC
April 27–28, 2013: Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA

SICP’s Signature RCIS & RCES Review Courses

The Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals is excited to present two-day Signature RCIS & RCES Review Courses at both Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA and Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC, next spring.

The SICP Signature RCIS Review Course is designed to review information for the Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) RCIS invasive registry exam. This course will help you identify areas in which you need to concentrate your self-study, or will serve as an overview for those who are preparing to take the exam.

Topics will include but are not limited to: Cardiovascular Diseases, Hemodynamics, Calculations, 12 Lead EKG, Patient Care & Assessment, Cardiovascular A&P, Pharmacology and Radiation Safety.

The SICP Signature RCES Review Course is designed to offer a review to the Allied Health Professional of information for the Cardiac Credentialing International (CCI) RCES registry exam. The objective of the course is to offer a comprehensive review of content assessed on the RCES registry. This review may enlighten areas of need as well as serve as a refresher for other areas.
Topics will include but are not limited to: Cardiovascular Diseases, Hemodynamics, Calculations, 12 Lead EKG, Egrams, Diagnostic Electrophysiology, Ablation Physics I&II and Pacemaker/ICD Implant & Evaluation.

Registration for both courses is now open at 
The two courses will run concurrently.


  • Members $199
  • Non-members $250 - SICP membership is included with the cost of a non-member registration.
  • Students $70 - online registration for students is not available. You must include a copy of your student ID or letter from instructor to qualify for student rate.


To see another article by the SICP, please visit:

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