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Email Discussion Group: July 2009

Take a look at the questions this month and see if you can help answer any of them. You can respond by emailing us at or also by visiting us at Remember, when responding to the discussion group, don’t forget to let us know if you would like your name and/or location listed.

Under Discussion:

Scope of Practice I am looking for a detailed "Scope of Practice" for the EP/cath lab. I do have the scope of practice offered on the SICP website. — John J. Simon III, MBA RT (CV) RCC (To reply to this question, please type “Scope of Practice” in your subject line.) Startup Policies & Procedures Our hospital is planning to start an EP program. I am interested in corresponding with EP lab coordinators willing to share information and/or basic policies & procedures in relation to startup efforts. The EP lab is set up, but has been on standby while an EP physician is being sought. Given the possibility of an accelerated startup, I am reaching out for resources and information. Although I have a number of years’ experience in EP, I have been out of the specialty a few years. I welcome the input and exchange once again with other EP professionals. — T. Trahan, RT(R), Florida (To reply to this question, please type “Startup Policies” in your subject line.) Dear John and T. Trahan, My response is actually applicable to both questions. SICP is a good resource, but the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) is a more applicable organization. HRS does have some published guidelines for education; off the top of my head, I believe it is 30 cases before you’re on your own, and 30 a year for competency. As many hospitals seek out other options for additional sources for income, EP services often come up. Starting an EP lab is in some ways similar to a cath lab, but in many respects it is much different. The technical knowledge and staff involvement for an EP lab is much different than a cath lab. It is in part for this reason that HRS has put forth published recommendations for staff education, training, and scope of practice on their website. — William Petty ____________________________ How to Participate in EP Lab Digest’s Email Discussion Group: • First, see an updated list of discussion questions on or in any issue of EP Lab Digest. Then: • Email your EP-related questions and/or responses to “”, or • Visit “”, where you can post comments and responses to questions! Don’t forget to inform us if you would like your name, location, and email address published, or if you prefer to be listed with your information withheld.