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Feature Story

2015 Get in Rhythm Patient Conference: Helping Afib Patients Get in Rhythm and Stay in Rhythm

Mellanie True Hills, Founder,,

Decatur, Texas


Atrial fibrillation takes a huge toll on patients and their families. Afib symptoms can leave some patients exhausted and unable to function. The condition also comes with some severe mental burdens, too. Because afib is unpredictable, patients constantly worry, never knowing when an irregular heartbeat will strike. In addition, afib patients must contend with an increased risk of stroke and frequent trips to the hospital emergency room. 

Often, doctors don’t have time to fully inform patients and answer their questions about afib. To educate them with thorough, leading-edge information, urge them to attend the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference. For those living with atrial fibrillation — patients and family members — the information at the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm conference could improve their quality of life. This year, the conference will be in Dallas-Ft. Worth from March 28-29 at the Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport. 

After the successful inaugural Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference in 2013, this year’s event is expanding to cover a weekend of presentations and exhibits. The conference brings together electrophysiologists and surgeons to help patients, their families, and caregivers learn more about this condition that affects millions of Americans. 

Previously, patients from around the United States and Canada attended the conference in Dallas to hear specialists explain what afib patients need to know and to present information about the most recent developments in afib treatment.

Who Should Attend?

This conference is for those patients whose afib disrupts their work, life, and play as well as their family’s life. 

After having lived with afib, I have now been afib-free for more than nine years. I now work with thousands of patients every month, so I know the huge physical, emotional, and financial toll that afib takes. Many patients need answers to their questions, so the purpose of this conference is to help patients and their families learn what they need to know to understand afib, manage their treatment, and better engage with their healthcare team.

Tap into a Wealth of Information hosts the conference with support from industry sponsors that include Daiichi Sankyo, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, AtriCure, Merisight, Topera, AliveCor, and AfibAlert. The Heart Rhythm Society is also a co-sponsor of this conference. 

During the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm conference, atrial fibrillation experts will provide presentations on a range of topics, including:

  • What afib is and why it is a problem. Along with exploring risk factors and symptoms, presenters will share the latest information about how afib is diagnosed and how other health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea, are related to atrial fibrillation. 
  • How to avoid afib-related strokes. Our expert presenters will discuss the role of anticoagulants and left atrial appendage closure devices for preventing strokes. 
  • Current treatment options. Atrial fibrillation treatment continually evolves. The conference faculty will share information about the most current treatments, including medications, catheter ablation, surgery, and left atrial appendage closure, using recommendations from the latest afib guidelines.   
  • How to communicate with healthcare providers. Closing the communications gap between healthcare providers and those living with afib means better treatment and improved quality of life. Patients will learn how to become more involved with their treatment plans and how and why to follow them. 
  • How to successfully live with afib. Along with finding out how to eat smarter with afib and manage afib triggers, patients and their family members can tap into a wealth of resources and support. We’ll also address how family members and caregivers can help their loved ones with afib.

Presenters at the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm conference include these world-renowned afib experts: 

  • Ralph J. Damiano, MD — Surgeon
  • James R. Edgerton, MD, FHRS — Surgeon
  • Robert C. Kowal, MD, PHD, FHRS — Electrophysiologist
  • Nassir Marrouche, MD, FHRS — Electrophysiologist 
  • Sanjiv M. Narayan, MD, PhD — Electrophysiologist
  • Andrea Natale, MD, FHRS, FACC, FESC — Electrophysiologist
  • Jonathan M. Philpott, MD — Surgeon

For more information about conference speakers, visit

In addition to presentations, attendees can participate in question and answer sessions with these afib experts and engage in informal dialogue as well. Attendees can also receive additional information through sponsor exhibits. 

Register for the Get in Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference


March 28-29, 2015


Hyatt Regency DFW 

International Airport

2334 North International Parkway

DFW Airport, TX 75261 


Visit Conference registration includes the day and a half conference, program, and refreshment breaks both days and lunch on Saturday. Early registration is only $79 per person, until February 28, 2015. For questions or to register by phone, please call +1-844-249-8567 during business hours.


We have secured a special discounted rate of $119 per night plus tax for attendees. Reservations at this rate are available until February 28. For room block reservations and directions to the hotel, see:


