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Email Discussion Group

May 2005
Readers, if you would like to respond to these questions, please email us at or go to and click on the email discussion group link. Our website is constantly being updated, so please check back often! New Questions Under Discussion: Establishing an EP Lab Our hospital is a tertiary cardiac care center located in the southern part of Delhi, India. We are looking for established EP centers to help us in starting an EP lab and arrhythmia services at our center. Can you help? V. Sharma, MD (Readers, to reply to this question, please type Delhi EP Lab in your subject line.) CMS Registry The immediate implementation of the ICD registry has overwhelmed management and staff. What methods are other places using to get these forms completed and accurate? Also, there has been some resistance from the physicians; how are you handling them with this new requirement? J. Doster, RN (Readers, to reply to this question, please type CMS Registry in your subject line.) Tilt Table We need to replace our present Tilt Table. Do you know who makes them with a quick down function? M. Sayre, RCIS/EP (Readers, to reply to this question, please type Tilt Table in your subject line.) Other Questions Under Discussion: Allied Professional Organization Does anyone know of a professional organization for Allied Professionals in EP? Does one exist? If so, who, where? C. Fontenot (Readers, to reply to this question, please type Allied Professional in your subject line.) EP Guidelines Our lab is looking for evidence-based guidelines to support our policies and procedures for electrophysiology studies. Can you help? D. VanLiew (Readers, to reply to this question, please type EP Guidelines in your subject line.) EP Surgical Masks Is there any information on using cotton surgical masks for invasive EP and device implant procedures? name withheld (Readers, to reply to this question, please type EP Surgical Masks in your subject line.)


