Mercury Medical
ONLY ONE ... Mercury Medical offers so many airway management solutions. The recent Innovation Award winner, Flow-Safe II+ Disposable BiLevel CPAP System is the only system that gives you advantage of delivering Bilevel or CPAP pressure in a single patient unit device. Its advantages are many such as built-in manometer for verifying delivered Bilevel or CPAP pressure, the deluxe mask with comfortable headgear and in-line nebulizer capability.
Another recent Innovation Award recipient includes the Small Adult BVM with Lite-Saver color-coded manometer. The LiteSaver Manometer has a breath rate timing light for resuscitation. Clinicians can more easily ventilate at the proper pressure, breath rate and tidal volume. This year we are introducing WoundClot, a new generation hemostatic agent. Its patented technology transforms from a gauze to gel that can absorb 2,500 times its weight.
11300 49th St N
Clearwater, FL 33762