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Volume 8 - Issue 12 - December, 2000


1Thomas J. Kiernan, MD, 2,3Andrew E. Ajani, MBBS, MD, 1Bryan P. Yan, MBBS 1Cardiology Division, Section of Vascular Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, 2Department of Cardiology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
1Thomas J. Kiernan, MD, 2,3Andrew E. ...
Abstract: The role of endovascular therapy for the treatment of coronary and peripheral vascular diseases (including carotid, renal and lower extremity arteries) is expanding. The steady growth in the volume of endovascular procedures is...
Abstract: The role of endovascular therapy for the treatment of coronary and peripheral vascular diseases (including carotid, renal and lower extremity arteries) is expanding. The steady growth in the volume of endovascular procedures is...
Abstract: The role of...
Cath Lab Digest

Thomas J. Ryan, M.D. Professor of Medicine and Chief, Emeritus, Section of Cardiology, Boston Medical Center, Boston MA

Thomas J. Ryan, M.D. Professor of Med...
In an effort to maintain a balanced national sense on this issue that has cardiologists divided in their opinions, it seems critically important to make the nurses, technicians and other healthcare professionals who constitute the...
In an effort to maintain a balanced national sense on this issue that has cardiologists divided in their opinions, it seems critically important to make the nurses, technicians and other healthcare professionals who constitute the...
In an effort to maintain a...
Cath Lab Digest

Nancy Sinclair McNamara, RN, BSN, Thomas P. Wharton Jr., MD, FACC, Division of Cardiovascular Services, Exeter Hospital, Exeter, New Hampshire

Nancy Sinclair McNamara, RN, BSN, Tho...
Primary PTCA vs. Fibrinolytic Therapy Dr. Ryan™s contention that there is no conclusive evidence that primary PTCA is superior to fibrinolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is counter to a large volume of literature1-4 (see...
Primary PTCA vs. Fibrinolytic Therapy Dr. Ryan™s contention that there is no conclusive evidence that primary PTCA is superior to fibrinolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is counter to a large volume of literature1-4 (see...
Primary PTCA vs. Fibrinolytic...
Cath Lab Digest


