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Volume 30 - Issue 2 - February 2022

The clinic for Angiology at the University Hospital Leipzig, Germany is probably one of the largest centers for interventional therapy of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) in Europe.
The clinic for Angiology at the University Hospital Leipzig, Germany is probably one of the largest centers for interventional therapy of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) in Europe.
The clinic for Angiology at the...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Program Success: Expert Advice
It has been said that in any service industry, there are three components that define delivery of that service: good, fast, and cheap — and that you can have only two of those options. U.S. healthcare is good and fast, but we are certainly...
It has been said that in any service industry, there are three components that define delivery of that service: good, fast, and cheap — and that you can have only two of those options. U.S. healthcare is good and fast, but we are certainly...
It has been said that in any...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Program Success: Expert Advice
Every year, the month of February is an exciting time for cardiovascular programs across the country — it’s American Heart Month, and also the traditional time for “Go Red for Women” recognition.
Every year, the month of February is an exciting time for cardiovascular programs across the country — it’s American Heart Month, and also the traditional time for “Go Red for Women” recognition.
Every year, the month of...
Cath Lab Digest


Calcium Corner
With the use of IVL, we are now at a point where the only cases that we have to either transfer or stage are non-crossable lesions: cases where you can get a wire but not a balloon across, and these are fairly rare.
With the use of IVL, we are now at a point where the only cases that we have to either transfer or stage are non-crossable lesions: cases where you can get a wire but not a balloon across, and these are fairly rare.
With the use of IVL, we are now...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Chest pain is the symptom most related to heart disease. However, there are many conditions other than the heart that cause chest pain.
Chest pain is the symptom most related to heart disease. However, there are many conditions other than the heart that cause chest pain.
Chest pain is the symptom most...
Cath Lab Digest


Spotlight Interview
The University of Vermont Health Network - Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) is a 300-bed hospital in northern New York that is part of a 6-hospital network.
The University of Vermont Health Network - Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) is a 300-bed hospital in northern New York that is part of a 6-hospital network.
The University of Vermont Health...
Cath Lab Digest


Cath Lab Management
Iatrogenic ostial coronary stenosis, a rare complication post coronary reimplantation, poses unique challenges. Specifically, ostial left main stenosis can present with acute pulmonary edema, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary syndromes, or...
Iatrogenic ostial coronary stenosis, a rare complication post coronary reimplantation, poses unique challenges. Specifically, ostial left main stenosis can present with acute pulmonary edema, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary syndromes, or...
Iatrogenic ostial coronary...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal vascular communication of coronary artery with cardiac chambers or any segment of the systemic or pulmonary circulation.
Coronary artery fistula is an abnormal vascular communication of coronary artery with cardiac chambers or any segment of the systemic or pulmonary circulation.
Coronary artery fistula is an...
Cath Lab Digest
Suggested Technique
In the last two decades, interventional cardiology has seen an unprecedented boom in development of more and more advanced endovascular equipment, broadening the horizon of possibilities for percutaneous treatment of complex coronary lesions.
In the last two decades, interventional cardiology has seen an unprecedented boom in development of more and more advanced endovascular equipment, broadening the horizon of possibilities for percutaneous treatment of complex coronary lesions.
In the last two decades,...
Cath Lab Digest