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Volume 24 - Issue 11 - November 2016

I got through the lesion with the Crosser Catheter, stayed in the true lumen, performed balloon angioplasty, and did not leave a stent behind. 
I got through the lesion with the Crosser Catheter, stayed in the true lumen, performed balloon angioplasty, and did not leave a stent behind. 
I got through the lesion with...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
In our ongoing effort to bring greater visibility and understanding to the growing economic opportunities transradial can afford when coupled with same-day discharge, we are pleased to introduce Dr. Amin’s original article. His article hits...
In our ongoing effort to bring greater visibility and understanding to the growing economic opportunities transradial can afford when coupled with same-day discharge, we are pleased to introduce Dr. Amin’s original article. His article hits...
In our ongoing effort to bring...
Cath Lab Digest
We have the first hybrid lab in the state of Florida. By that, I mean we are a facility with an outpatient cath lab as well as a certified ambulatory surgical center (ASC). The Cardiovascular Institute of Trinity has 7000 square feet with one...
We have the first hybrid lab in the state of Florida. By that, I mean we are a facility with an outpatient cath lab as well as a certified ambulatory surgical center (ASC). The Cardiovascular Institute of Trinity has 7000 square feet with one...
We have the first hybrid lab in...
Cath Lab Digest
ISET Cases
In this case, we demonstrate successful removal of a central venous catheter inadvertently placed in the carotid artery with an Angio-Seal closure device without complication. Of note, an embolic protection device was also utilized to prevent...
In this case, we demonstrate successful removal of a central venous catheter inadvertently placed in the carotid artery with an Angio-Seal closure device without complication. Of note, an embolic protection device was also utilized to prevent...
In this case, we demonstrate...
Cath Lab Digest


Cath Lab Spotlight
All of our technologists are RCIS-credentialed and cross-trained to scrub, circulate, and monitor our large variety of cath lab procedures.
All of our technologists are RCIS-credentialed and cross-trained to scrub, circulate, and monitor our large variety of cath lab procedures.
All of our technologists are...
Cath Lab Digest
CLI Perspectives
The birth of this device was is the direct result of the unmet need of the infrainguinal complex lesion. It is a pleasure for me to introduce you to a device built specifically for infrainguinal disease; not borrowed from somewhere else in...
The birth of this device was is the direct result of the unmet need of the infrainguinal complex lesion. It is a pleasure for me to introduce you to a device built specifically for infrainguinal disease; not borrowed from somewhere else in...
The birth of this device was is...
Cath Lab Digest


Case Report
In our case, OCT assessment combined with angiography provided high-quality images, optimizing results of a PCI using BVS for calcified lesions. 
In our case, OCT assessment combined with angiography provided high-quality images, optimizing results of a PCI using BVS for calcified lesions. 
In our case, OCT assessment...
Cath Lab Digest
We discovered the RaySafe i2 system (Unfors RaySafe), a real-time dose monitoring system that allows you to see your exposure as it is happening. It has changed the way we operate.
We discovered the RaySafe i2 system (Unfors RaySafe), a real-time dose monitoring system that allows you to see your exposure as it is happening. It has changed the way we operate.
We discovered the RaySafe i2...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
Here, we present a patient who had an acute thrombotic occlusion of the right aorto-femoral bypass (Gore-Tex, Gore Medical) graft, following an endovascular infra-renal aortic stent placement, treated with Ekos thrombolytic therapy. 
Here, we present a patient who had an acute thrombotic occlusion of the right aorto-femoral bypass (Gore-Tex, Gore Medical) graft, following an endovascular infra-renal aortic stent placement, treated with Ekos thrombolytic therapy. 
Here, we present a patient who...
Cath Lab Digest


National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW, sponsored by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists) is an annual celebration during the week that includes November 8 to commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen...
National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW, sponsored by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists) is an annual celebration during the week that includes November 8 to commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen...
National Radiologic Technology...
Cath Lab Digest