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Volume 17 - Issue 6 - June, 2009


Cath Lab Digest
SICP Section
Contributions from Erwin Wuehr, WI-SICP Chapter Chair
Contributions from Erwin Wuehr, WI-SI...
The SICP has several established and developing chapters across the country. Chapters offer networking opportunities and grassroots advocacy opportunities for current issues in the invasive cardiovascular profession. They also offer a great...
The SICP has several established and developing chapters across the country. Chapters offer networking opportunities and grassroots advocacy opportunities for current issues in the invasive cardiovascular profession. They also offer a great...
The SICP has several established...
Cath Lab Digest


Clinical and Industry News
Episode of Rapid, Irregular Heart Rhythm Before or After Cardiac Catheterization Associated With Increased Risk of Death Within 3 Months Certain heart attack patients who experience a rapid, abnormal heart rhythm before or after a coronary...
Episode of Rapid, Irregular Heart Rhythm Before or After Cardiac Catheterization Associated With Increased Risk of Death Within 3 Months Certain heart attack patients who experience a rapid, abnormal heart rhythm before or after a coronary...
Episode of Rapid, Irregular...
Cath Lab Digest


What Do You Think?
Multiple new and ongoing questions from readers. Your responses are welcome! Answer or pose a question at New Questions! Staffing Formula Do you have a matrix or formula for cath labs that can calculate the...
Multiple new and ongoing questions from readers. Your responses are welcome! Answer or pose a question at New Questions! Staffing Formula Do you have a matrix or formula for cath labs that can calculate the...
Multiple new and ongoing...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
morton kern, MD Clinical Editor Professor of Medicine Associate Chief Cardiology University of California Irvine Orange, California
morton kern, MD Clinical Editor Profe...
A 68-year-old man was admitted for acute ST-elevation inferior myocardial infarction after right coronary artery stenting (3.0 x 18mm drug-eluting stent) four months ago. He had been taking 81 mg of aspirin and 75 mg of clopidogrel orally on...
A 68-year-old man was admitted for acute ST-elevation inferior myocardial infarction after right coronary artery stenting (3.0 x 18mm drug-eluting stent) four months ago. He had been taking 81 mg of aspirin and 75 mg of clopidogrel orally on...
A 68-year-old man was admitted...
Cath Lab Digest
Ask the Clinical Instructor
Questions are answered by: Todd Ginapp, EMT-P, RCIS, FSICP
Questions are answered by: Todd Gina...
Todd is the Cardiology Manager for Memorial Hermann Southeast in Houston, Texas. He also teaches an online RCIS Review course for Spokane Community College, in Spokane, Washington, and regularly presents with RCIS Review Courses. Question 1:...
Todd is the Cardiology Manager for Memorial Hermann Southeast in Houston, Texas. He also teaches an online RCIS Review course for Spokane Community College, in Spokane, Washington, and regularly presents with RCIS Review Courses. Question 1:...
Todd is the Cardiology Manager...
Cath Lab Digest


10-Minute Interview
Instructor, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Central Piedmont Community College Co-Chair of the North Carolina Chapter of the SICP Charlotte, North Carolina
Instructor, Invasive Cardiovascular T...
I began working in an interventional cardiology/radiology lab in California around 1990, shortly after receiving a degree in radiography. Starting in 1995, I next worked for six years in a high-volume interventional cardiac catheterization...
I began working in an interventional cardiology/radiology lab in California around 1990, shortly after receiving a degree in radiography. Starting in 1995, I next worked for six years in a high-volume interventional cardiac catheterization...
I began working in an...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
Catherine DiNardo, Lead Business Consultant Corazon, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Catherine DiNardo, Lead Business Cons...
With focus on new beginnings, spring is the perfect time to make changes to departmental processes, regularly-used documents and, perhaps most importantly, the chargemaster, a list of all billable hospital services. Performing regular...
With focus on new beginnings, spring is the perfect time to make changes to departmental processes, regularly-used documents and, perhaps most importantly, the chargemaster, a list of all billable hospital services. Performing regular...
With focus on new beginnings,...
Cath Lab Digest
Kevin P. Weinfurt1,2*, Damon M. Seils1, Janice P. Tzeng1ยค, Li Lin1, Kevin A. Schulman1,3, Robert M. Califf1,3
Kevin P. Weinfurt1,2*, Damon M. Seils...
Introduction The influence of commercial interests on medical science is an area of ongoing concern. Recent work has examined the extent of this influence1-5 and explored best practices for managing conflicts of interest.6-9 A particular...
Introduction The influence of commercial interests on medical science is an area of ongoing concern. Recent work has examined the extent of this influence1-5 and explored best practices for managing conflicts of interest.6-9 A particular...
Introduction The influence of...
Cath Lab Digest


Clinical Review
Christos D. Liapis, MD, Efthimios D. Avgerinos, MD, Achilles Chatziioannou, MD University Hospital Attikon, Department of Vascular Surgery, Athens, Greece
Christos D. Liapis, MD, Efthimios D. ...
Abstract Among the several anatomic risk predictors for carotid stenting (e.g., extensive plaque ulceration, aneurysmal internal carotid artery, lesion length > 3 cm) (CAS), the aortic arch emerges as a key anatomic feature. Gaining...
Abstract Among the several anatomic risk predictors for carotid stenting (e.g., extensive plaque ulceration, aneurysmal internal carotid artery, lesion length > 3 cm) (CAS), the aortic arch emerges as a key anatomic feature. Gaining...
Abstract Among the several...
Cath Lab Digest


