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Volume 16 - Issue 5 - May, 2008


Clinical Editor's Corner
MORTON KERN, MD Clinical Editor Clinical Professor of Medicine Associate Chief Cardiology University of California Irvine Orange, California
MORTON KERN, MD Clinical Editor Clini...
Hemodynamic studies require accurate data collection technique. For complex cases we record simultaneous pressure waveforms, working with multiple transducers. I have had some questions from our staff as to what is the best and easiest way to...
Hemodynamic studies require accurate data collection technique. For complex cases we record simultaneous pressure waveforms, working with multiple transducers. I have had some questions from our staff as to what is the best and easiest way to...
Hemodynamic studies require...
Cath Lab Digest
Questions are answered by: Todd Ginapp, EMT-P, RCIS, FSICP
Questions are answered by: Todd Ginap...
“We have some physicians that do unusual things when trying to analyze valves. What is the correct way?” — RCIS Online student Part II. In the April issue (Part I), we presented some ideas about how to interrogate the aortic valve. In this...
“We have some physicians that do unusual things when trying to analyze valves. What is the correct way?” — RCIS Online student Part II. In the April issue (Part I), we presented some ideas about how to interrogate the aortic valve. In this...
“We have some physicians that do...
Cath Lab Digest
Answer or pose a question at New Questions Inventory Coordinator Duties At the Medical University of South Carolina, we are trying to gather more information about a specific job title that was represented in the Cath...
Answer or pose a question at New Questions Inventory Coordinator Duties At the Medical University of South Carolina, we are trying to gather more information about a specific job title that was represented in the Cath...
Answer or pose a question at...
Cath Lab Digest
Questions are answered by: Todd Ginapp, EMT-P, RCIS, FSICP
Questions are answered by: Todd Ginap...
“We have some physicians that do unusual things when trying to analyze valves. What is the correct way?” — RCIS Online student Part II. In the April issue (Part I), we presented some ideas about how to interrogate the aortic valve. In this...
“We have some physicians that do unusual things when trying to analyze valves. What is the correct way?” — RCIS Online student Part II. In the April issue (Part I), we presented some ideas about how to interrogate the aortic valve. In this...
“We have some physicians that do...
Cath Lab Digest
Zorka Musovic, BS, RCIS, FSICP
Zorka Musovic, BS, RCIS, FSICP
SICP Chapter News The Illinois Chapter of the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals held its spring meeting March 12, 2008 at Restaurant La Strada, Hoffman Estates, IL. The topic of discussion was “Updates in Treatment Strategies...
SICP Chapter News The Illinois Chapter of the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals held its spring meeting March 12, 2008 at Restaurant La Strada, Hoffman Estates, IL. The topic of discussion was “Updates in Treatment Strategies...
SICP Chapter News The Illinois...
Cath Lab Digest
Answer or pose a question at New Questions Inventory Coordinator Duties At the Medical University of South Carolina, we are trying to gather more information about a specific job title that was represented in the Cath...
Answer or pose a question at New Questions Inventory Coordinator Duties At the Medical University of South Carolina, we are trying to gather more information about a specific job title that was represented in the Cath...
Answer or pose a question at...
Cath Lab Digest
F. Petersen-Aranguren, MD, FACC, L. Jauregui-Plascencia, MD Cardiology Department and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde” Guadalajara, México
F. Petersen-Aranguren, MD, FACC, L. J...
Introduction Managing the planning, operation and results of a cardiac catheterization laboratory in a general public university hospital is definitely an enormous task, especially when the hospital budget does not include the cath lab. We...
Introduction Managing the planning, operation and results of a cardiac catheterization laboratory in a general public university hospital is definitely an enormous task, especially when the hospital budget does not include the cath lab. We...
Introduction Managing the...
Cath Lab Digest
Oregon Heart & Vascular Institute, Sacred Heart Medical Center, Eugene, Oregon
Oregon Heart & Vascular Institute...
Why did you choose to work in the invasive cardiology field? I spent approximately 15 years employed in sawmills, working my way from cleanup to foreman before being laid off in September of 1991. One week after the layoff, I was back in...
Why did you choose to work in the invasive cardiology field? I spent approximately 15 years employed in sawmills, working my way from cleanup to foreman before being laid off in September of 1991. One week after the layoff, I was back in...
Why did you choose to work in...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Digest talks with Warren Sherman, MD, Director, Cardiac Cell-based Endovascular Therapies, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York and Principal Investigator of the Phase II/III MARVEL Study
Cath Lab Digest talks with Warren She...
What is MyoCell therapy and what are the advantages of using myoblast cells in particular for treatment of myocardial tissue? MyoCell therapy utilizes autologous (patient-derived) skeletal myoblast cells injected percutaneously into damaged...
What is MyoCell therapy and what are the advantages of using myoblast cells in particular for treatment of myocardial tissue? MyoCell therapy utilizes autologous (patient-derived) skeletal myoblast cells injected percutaneously into damaged...
What is MyoCell therapy and what...
Cath Lab Digest


India Overwhelmed by Heart DiseaseBy 2010, India will carry 60 percent of the world’s heart disease burden, nearly four times more than its share of the global population, according to a recent study. Adding to the burden is a higher...
India Overwhelmed by Heart DiseaseBy 2010, India will carry 60 percent of the world’s heart disease burden, nearly four times more than its share of the global population, according to a recent study. Adding to the burden is a higher...
India Overwhelmed by Heart...
Cath Lab Digest


