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Volume 12 - Issue 10 - October, 2004

Nico H.J. Pijls, MD, PhD
Nico H.J. Pijls, MD, PhD
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a live case. It was in a famous course earlier this year, and shows a female, 58 years old, who had PCI of a severe left circumflex stenosis. The physicians accidentally found a 50% stenosis in the mid-RCA. They...
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a live case. It was in a famous course earlier this year, and shows a female, 58 years old, who had PCI of a severe left circumflex stenosis. The physicians accidentally found a 50% stenosis in the mid-RCA. They...
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a...
Cath Lab Digest
Bernie Gehrki, AIA, and Mike Tangney, AIA
Bernie Gehrki, AIA, and Mike Tangney,...
Individuals requiring the services provided in a cath lab are often under stress. Their medical condition also creates stress for their families and often for those providing treatment. Two overriding considerations guide cath lab design ...
Individuals requiring the services provided in a cath lab are often under stress. Their medical condition also creates stress for their families and often for those providing treatment. Two overriding considerations guide cath lab design ...
Individuals requiring the...
Cath Lab Digest
Nico H.J. Pijls, MD, PhD
Nico H.J. Pijls, MD, PhD
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a live case. It was in a famous course earlier this year, and shows a female, 58 years old, who had PCI of a severe left circumflex stenosis. The physicians accidentally found a 50% stenosis in the mid-RCA. They...
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a live case. It was in a famous course earlier this year, and shows a female, 58 years old, who had PCI of a severe left circumflex stenosis. The physicians accidentally found a 50% stenosis in the mid-RCA. They...
Case No. 1. Figure 1 is from a...
Cath Lab Digest

Submitted by Jill Price, RN

Submitted by Jill Price, RN
Should angioplasty and stent placement (PCI) be done in a hospital without on-site open heart surgery? This question is plaguing the entire United States right now. However, when you are an island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and you do...
Should angioplasty and stent placement (PCI) be done in a hospital without on-site open heart surgery? This question is plaguing the entire United States right now. However, when you are an island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and you do...
Should angioplasty and stent...
Cath Lab Digest
Topic Under Discussion: IABP removal by registered nurses I am trying to find information about the practice of removing IABP by registered nurses. Do you have any information about this practice within the cath lab or ICU areas? Luz...
Topic Under Discussion: IABP removal by registered nurses I am trying to find information about the practice of removing IABP by registered nurses. Do you have any information about this practice within the cath lab or ICU areas? Luz...
Topic Under Discussion: IABP...
Cath Lab Digest
Keith D. Dawkins, MD, FRCP, FACC
Keith D. Dawkins, MD, FRCP, FACC ...
How does the TAXUS VI clinical trial fit into the TAXUS Stent clinical trial series?> The TAXUS VI clinical trial is the most recent of six clinical trials over four years to study the safety and efficacy of Boston Scientific's TAXUS...
How does the TAXUS VI clinical trial fit into the TAXUS Stent clinical trial series?> The TAXUS VI clinical trial is the most recent of six clinical trials over four years to study the safety and efficacy of Boston Scientific's TAXUS...
How does the TAXUS VI clinical...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Digest talks with John Johnson, RCIS and Michael Yeh, MD
Cath Lab Digest talks with John Johns...
The Glendale Memorial Heart Center was established in 1992 by a core group of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, who believed in the need to provide exceptional cardiac care to the community. Today, the Heart Center is recognized for its...
The Glendale Memorial Heart Center was established in 1992 by a core group of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, who believed in the need to provide exceptional cardiac care to the community. Today, the Heart Center is recognized for its...
The Glendale Memorial Heart...
Cath Lab Digest
Francis Q. Almeda, MD, R. Jeffrey Snell, MD
Francis Q. Almeda, MD, R. Jeffrey Sne...
Case Report. We present the case of a 74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking who was urgently referred for evaluation after he suffered a cardiac arrest after a transurethral prostate resection (TURP) in a community...
Case Report. We present the case of a 74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking who was urgently referred for evaluation after he suffered a cardiac arrest after a transurethral prostate resection (TURP) in a community...
Case Report. We present the case...
Cath Lab Digest
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Our lab was reading your Letter from the Editor (Have you spent 10 years in the cath lab? Cath Lab Digest, September 2003) and was amazed at the idea that 10 years or more experience is elite. We have 15...
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Our lab was reading your Letter from the Editor (Have you spent 10 years in the cath lab? Cath Lab Digest, September 2003) and was amazed at the idea that 10 years or more experience is elite. We have 15...
Letter to the Editor Dear...
Cath Lab Digest


Cath Lab Spotlight
Brenda McCulloch, RN, MSN, Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist, Carol Prinzo, RN, Cath Lab Director, and Margaret Mette RN, MN, Assistant Administrator
Brenda McCulloch, RN, MSN, Cardiovasc...
Sutter is proud of our many cardiovascular firsts in the greater Sacramento region: First successful open heart surgery on adults and children, first heart transplant, first coronary angioplasty, first electrophysiology study, first...
Sutter is proud of our many cardiovascular firsts in the greater Sacramento region: First successful open heart surgery on adults and children, first heart transplant, first coronary angioplasty, first electrophysiology study, first...
Sutter is proud of our many...
Cath Lab Digest


