SICP president`s message
October 2003
-Dear SICP members, colleagues, and friends,
As the lazy days of summer roll into cool fall evenings I wanted to take a few moments to touch base with you. It has been six months since the SICP leadership changed and I wanted to extend a summary of how we are shaping up this year.
We had a very smooth transition as our board of directors fit into new positions, and I want you to know that they are working for you, so please take advantage of their expertise, and ask or e-mail any of them questions that you may have.
Thus far in our journey, the SICP has completed a few projects that remained from last year as well as strategizing and completing several others. For example, we began revising our SICP bylaws during Roger Siegfried’s term, and I am pleased to report that they are complete and can be found on our website at Also during Roger’s term, the SICP successfully partnered up with the staff at Baylor Hospital and set up the first SICP chapter. They are known as the Gulf Coast Chapter of the SICP. Currently, they are at 75+ members and going strong! Great job!!
The SICP website has shown many changes throughout the past few months; specifically, the officers section has been updated to allow you to put faces to names. We have also added an interactive messaging board and a job posting section for your employment benefit. The Scope of Practice as well as the Orientation Guidelines have also been revised and posted for your reference as needed. The Standards of Care documents are under revision and will be posted as soon as they are complete. I’ve had several requests for these updated documents by our members, so please take advantage of the website and contact me if you need further information at:
Currently, we are hard at work on several action items for you but I want to talk about the two most important. We have two upcoming conferences and opportunities for continuing education units knocking on your door. The first conference is the South Padre Island Conference in South Padre, Texas, October 2-4, 2003. The second is the Ohio River Valley Symposium in Louisville, Kentucky, November 5-8, 2003. Both conferences are packed with cutting-edge technology as well as the basic foundations that we all need for refreshers. Along with education, you can also enjoy a bit of the beach in Texas and a night at the track in Kentucky! I look forward to seeing many old faces as well as new at both of these educational venues. You can register online at the SICP website. See you there!!
Before I go, I want to challenge all of you to become more actively involved with the SICP. We are always looking for budding young talent to volunteer either with the board committees or even simply writing an article for the SICP section of the Cath Lab Digest. So give it some thought, and jump in! This is your chance to have your voice heard and make a difference in your profession on a national basis.
The world of invasive cardiovascular technology is ever-changing and again, I challenge you to get involved, have a voice, and make change happen! I am off to catch a bit of beach before the snow falls. See you all soon!
Tracy Simpson, President, SICP