November 2007 Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) News
November 2007
The August Indiana Chapter meeting was held at Community East Hospital in Indianapolis and as always, we enjoyed great topics, good discussions and, most importantly, excellent comradeship. We learned about closure devices, a topic presented by Ed Morris, who is the founder of Morris Innovative Research (MIR). Sarah Anderson, RN gave a wonderful presentation on switching from heparin to bivalirudin and improving patient outcomes. We increased our cardiac output after lunch by playing a catheterization game. Once cath lab staff and vendors introduced themselves by putting a silly adjective in front of their first name, the two teams raced to pass on the lidocaine balls to be tossed in the groin fenestration of a full size drape. Andy Long from Boston Scientific completed the education part with a talk about cryoplasty and an interesting demonstration of the PolarCath. And what would a meeting be without door prizes! MIR provided the most wanted door prizeā¦an iPod. The lucky winner was Debbie Stoll from Community East.
Vendor participation and sponsorship was at an all-time high. Five display tables were occupied by INO Therapeutics, The Medicines Company, MIR, Radi Medical Systems and Zoll LifeCor Corporation. Additional sponsors included Boston Scientific, Possis Inc. and Abbott Vascular. We are very thankful for their support. I would also like to thank Lury Kutruff, RN, manager at Community East Hospital, for hosting this event and taking on all the hard work involved.
Martine Kinman RN,
RCIS, FSICP, Pro Tem Chair
Greetings from the Emerald Coast Chapter, located in beautiful northwest Florida!
The Emerald Coast Chapter has been very busy in the past few months. In August, Mark Zakutney from Abbott hosted our dinner CEU event. Valerie Funches RN was our guest speaker, presenting on arteriotomy closure, manual versus device. St. Jude hosted a product fair in early September with all the labs in Pensacola invited to review the new devices in each of their medical lines. Later in September, we had our monthly meeting, hosted by St. Jude. The topic was a CRM review by Russ Fuller. We appreciate all of the support from vendors over the past three years.
Nominations are now being entertained for new officers for 2008!
Congratulations to Valerie Fuenches, who recently passed her RCIS exam. Valerie sends thanks to the Emerald Coast Chapter members, the SICP members, and the RCIS review course instructors, directors and the vendor sponsors.
Angie Bowles, RN, CCRN
Hello from the Wisconsin Chapter of the SICP! We are looking forward to seeing many of you on November 9 and 10, 2007. The Wisconsin SICP is gearing up for our 2nd Annual Fall Conference. Below is our preliminary agenda (at the time of this printing). If you would like more information on our Wisconsin Chapter of the SICP, please contact
Heather Vardon, RN
Chair, Wisconsin SICP