SICP Section
May 2010 Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) News and "What Do You Think?"
Introducing Carolinas SICP
Carolinas SICP is a newly formed chapter incorporating the SICP members in North Carolina and South Carolina. This merger of NCSICP with members in SC is an effort to include SICP members in South Carolina in chapter leadership and events. The main focus of the Carolinas SICP remains the same: Providing educational CEU opportunities to its members through corporate involvement and increasing SICP membership. The chapter currently has educational events scheduled as well as other events in the early planning stages. Notifications of these events will be provided to all North Carolina and South Carolina SICP members as soon as arrangements are finalized. A planning meeting is scheduled for June 5th in Asheville, NC, with the exact location and time still to be determined. Anyone interested in attending and providing their input is welcome to attend! If you live in either North Carolina or South Carolina, and are interested in being a part of the Carolinas SICP leadership, have ideas for future events, are interested in attending the June 5th planning meeting in Asheville, NC, or if you simply want more information about Carolinas SICP, please contact Christopher Jolly at NDiscussion
What Do You Think?
Multiple new and ongoing questions from readers. Your responses are welcome! Answer or pose a question at cathlabdigest@aol.comNew Question!
Re: In-Room Hemodynamics Malfunction Recently, during a diagnostic cardiac catheterization, the hemodynamic monitoring system that was in the room stopped functioning. The monitor system outside the room where the CVT was monitoring from was functional from the standpoint that live pressures could be visualized, but were not automatically being recorded. The patient was hooked up to a life-pak for ECG, and communication from the monitoring tech to inside the lab was maintained for pressure waveform analysis. It was determined that a video board had gone out on the hemo computer, causing the issue, and that the boards were being swapped to help maintain hemodynamic analysis within the room. It was brought up by a team member that it was unsafe for the procedure to continue; however, the cardiologist felt comfortable and did not perceive that the risk involved to do a diagnostic cath was compromised. The procedure was finished without incident, and the cardiologist felt comfortable proceding with the next procedure with the same set up. We were able to have “live” hemodynamics within the room prior to the next patient coming in, but the concern from the team member was still there. What is the consensus as to whether the issues brought up were concerns of actual risk to the patient’s care? Thank you! Email: Cc: CathLabDigest@aol.comAnswered!
Re: Radiation Limitations My lab is currently setting up a tracking system to track patient exposure during procedures. We are having trouble finding set guidelines. If you have any information or resources, please email me. Thank you! Brian Perkins, RT(R) Pikeville Medical Center Pikeville, Kentucky Email: Cc: Brian, In regards to your question about radiation limits, we adopted a version similar to Johns Hopkins Hospital, as noted from the reference article below. It is clear that the Joint Commission is putting this on their radar and staying a step ahead better prepares you for any upcoming visits. I have also listed a couple other sites that may prove helpful. Good luck.References
Mahadevappa M. How to prepare for the Joint Commission’s sentinel event policy pertaining to prolonged fluoroscopy. J Am Coll Radiol 2008; 5(4): 601-603. Meese, RN Clinical Manager CVSP Jewish Hospital