Letters to the Editor
February 2003
Laissez Faire Facilities and JCAHO
Earlier this year I sent out an e-mail requesting opinions from other hospitals regarding cath lab attire: hats, masks & shoe covers. The question was printed in your December 2002 issue (Email Discussion Group: Surgical Attire in the CCL?). I received a few responses, all supporting their use. Our facility does require use of hats, masks, and shoe covers for all procedures, by all personnel in the room, with the exception of the monitor person (who is not in the cath lab room). The reason I raised the question was because we originally had one doctor who refused to wear anything: no hat, mask or shoe covers. Since then our medical team, including the medical director, has forced him to comply.
But I have some confusion about this issue. I'm sure all the people posting responses have had their facilities visited by JCAHO for accreditation. How do facilities who practice a laissez faire attitude get past JCAHO, or is there a policy modification during JCAHO week? Do we scramble to meet standards we should be complying with year-round but actually ignore up until the moment the JCAHO inspector’s car approaches the hospital driveway? Are we Iraq trying to hide our weapons and JCAHO the UN inspectors? I’m curious to know, how are these issues addressed during JCAHO visits?
Miguel A. Banales, Cardiovascular Services,
Del Sol Medical Center, El Paso, Texas
Email: miguel.banales@delsolmedicalcenter.com
Cc: CathLabDigest@aol.com
In compliance with MIOSHA/OSHA?
Sorry I missed your question for December as [surgical attire] has been a BIG issue in our lab. The final verdict is that our staff in the room will wear the full PPE in the procedure room. This is not because of an infection problem for patients but an exposure issue for staff. Our ID and Quality administration feel that in order to be in compliance with MIOSHA/OSHA and have reduced liability for personnel exposure, everyone must wear it all. Folks may wish to check with their own state agencies and hospital counsel or risk management before implementing policies.
Cathy J. June, RN
Interim Director, Cardiac & Vascular Services
Harper University Hospital, Detroit, Michigan
Email: cjune@dmc.org
Cc: CathLabDigest@aol.com