Legislative News: CARE Bill Update
February 2007
The RadCARE was put forth for consideration by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN).
The RadCARE bill was then sent to the House of Representatives for consideration on December 8 with a referral to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Alliance lobbyists worked to have S. 2322 passed by the House before it adjourned, but were unsuccessful in their efforts. S. 2322 and its companion bill in the House, H.R. 1426, died when Congress adjourned early in the morning on December 9.
It all came down to the short amount of time left for the House to take action, said Christine Lung, ASRT director of government relations. The House received the Senate version of the bill less than 72 hours before it adjourned, on top of an agenda that was already overflowing.
Despite the disappointment of not receiving a vote in the House, Ms. Lung emphasized the progress the bill made this year. It's important to note that the bill moved through the Senate unanimously, she said. That leaves us very well positioned when we reintroduce the bill next year. Lawmakers understand the need to set standards for medical imaging and radiation therapy personnel.
The CARE bill will be reintroduced in the House and Senate quickly after the 110th session of Congress convenes in January.
(For more information about the CARE Bill, check out "Ask the SICP!" in this issue of Cath Lab Digest.