Letter from the Editor
Choosing your educational moments
April 2004
Education matters. Yet in the day-to-day fight to accomplish our work and duties in a timely manner, education can be seen as a must-carried burden. It’s time spent away from work and away from family. At times, the presentation of you-must-learn-this information is overwhelming, anxiety-inducing or dull. The room might be too cold and maybe you didn’t get enough sleep last night. For me, there’s been many a time that instead of listening to a speaker, I daydreamed of a soft pillow and stretching out to sleep. (I admit my statistics course in college may have had a moment or two like this.)
The best educational events overcome our resistances. They engage our attention instantly and show us possibilities of our best self in action. When we are truly engaged in learning, it’s much the same feeling as the high you feel after an good day at work, where you were able to show off a little by working in smooth concert as a team or displaying your abilities to their fullest.
That being said, I hope you will attend the Third Cath Lab Digest Annual Symposium on Cardiac Care, held this year in Orlando, Florida at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, June 3-5. The Cath Lab Digest team is working round-the-clock to bring you practical and cutting-edge invasive cardiology information. Our amazing speakers will keep you engaged and focused even as the blue pools and warm sun beckon outside. There is definite excitement in the air as these cardiovascular professionals gather together. I look forward to seeing you there.
While looking ahead to the Cath Lab Digest Symposium, this issue of Cath Lab Digest also looks back at the recently-completed American College of Cardiology meeting. Check out our pages of ACC News for an in-depth report on some of the most important information to come out of the meeting.
Our front-page interview with Dr. David O. Williams is a can’t-miss. Dr. Williams is a leading figure in invasive cardiology and also the principal investigator of the DEScover Registry, which promises a real-time look at real-life cath lab practice.
The Email Discussion Group is back in full swing, and discussing turnover times. In the next issue, we hope to take a look at hemostasis in radial cases and your thoughts on cross-training. You can answer our cross-training question online. Just visit the current issue link on www.cathlabdigest.com, and our Email Discussion Group question is at the top of the page.