At the Heart of Success - Expanding Our Horizons
January 2007
The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP) will host the 2007 Cardiovascular Leadership Conference (CLC), to be held March 22-23 in New Orleans, Louisiana, before the American College of Cardiology (ACC) conference.
This year’s CLC will unite the nation’s leading cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary and respiratory administrators, and feature distinguished keynote speakers as well as sessions focusing on the different implications of managing in today’s landscape. While there continue to be challenges faced in today’s environment, this year’s session will focus on how to capitalize on these challenges and make them opportunities!
Each ACVP speaker will focus on this year’s theme, At the Heart of Success, discussing strategies, methods and tools for being the cardiovascular program of choice. The supplier program will offer companies a chance to interact with attendees and give attendees a chance to not only learn about the latest technological systems and products in cardiovascular health care, but better understand how to benefit from their use.
It was important for as broad a constituency as possible to participate in this year’s conference if we are to impact the future of health care, says John Florio, ACVP President. We wanted a program that was as diverse as possible yet provided a depth of information and training not available elsewhere. We think we have achieved this.
Keynote speaker is Chris White, MD, is the CV Services Director at Oschner Clinic in New Orleans. He will offer insight into how the disaster of 2005 has impacted the program and how New Orleans is coming back like a phoenix rising. Other speakers on Thursday include Betty Ching from Cleveland Clinic, Sue Heilman from Medtronic, and Joe Redfern from Stereotaxis sharing their insight regarding electrophysiology and what the future holds for this subspecialty; a panel including administrative leaders and imaging specialists discussing trends in imaging and computerization; Liesl Cooper from Cordis will outline the challenge of reimbursements and how to overcome obstacles successfully. David Katz from the Cardiology Roundtable will share with attendees information concerning the medical arms race and about physicians competing with hospitals. The day will end with a panel outlining strategic growth initiatives. Attendees will be treated to a special Lunch and Learn Session with Debra Townsend presenting Take This Job and Love It!
Friday will start with a bang with James Young, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic discussing trends in the treatment of heart failure patients. Jackie Johnson will present information about physician-hospital partnerships and how to expand your horizons through creative applications. A CMS representative will also share information regarding how to work within regulatory confines. The meeting includes a session on staffing challenges as well as a special session on crucial conversations to expand horizons. The conference closes with a big panel outlining leadership for the future and hot topics in current management with representatives from the top 100 institutions participating.
The CLC also will offer ACC attendees a postconference session on cardiovascular business and a special business institute where attendees can get a Cardiovascular MBA.
As has been true in previous years, the 2007 conference is supported by a broad base of sponsoring partners. This broad base attracted outstanding names and keynotes, making this a not-to-be-missed event.
For more information, call the ACVP office at (804) 632-0078 or visit our website at