Ask the ClinicalInstructor
April 2005
I am probably just new to the lab and probably just need to get used to it, but I have been having backaches and headaches that I think are from wearing the lead for a long time. Any advice in the meantime until I get used to it?
It's not something you should just get used to. You shouldn’t be having backaches and headaches. Ask someone if the lead you are wearing fits you. It may be too big or just not fit right. If you are wearing a one-piece lead, before you tighten the waist belt, shrug your shoulders and tighten at the same time. This will keep the bulk of the weight of the apron off of your shoulders. It should sit on your waist now. Also, wearing good shoes will help if you find yourself standing for extended periods of time.
In regards to coronary bypass, what is competitive flow?
Where a bypass graft is connected to the native coronary artery is called the anastamosis. The route from the aorta to the myocardium via the native artery is shorter than the bypass to the native artery. If the blockage in the native coronary is less than 100% and the pressure in the native coronary is higher than the pressure in the bypass, then we have competitive flow. When blood flow backs up into the bypass, we call this competition.
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