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The Registry of Cardiovascular Specialists and Assistants (RCSA) is proud to announce that Jacob “Jake” Cornella, RT(R), RCSA, CTAE, and Angie Sovereign, RCIS, RCSA, CTAE, have earned the Registered Cardiovascular Specialist Assistant (RCSA) credential and the Certified Trainer Assessor Examiner (CTAE) Credential. Ms. Sovereign and Mr. Cornella both are part of a team that includes four other RCSAs in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories at Rapid City Medical Center, Rapid City, SD.

— Submitted by Karen Chandler, MSN, RN, RCSA, CTAE- Chairperson, Board of Directors and Bethany Triplett, RN, BSN, RCSA, CTAE - COO. 

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