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HHS Unveils Model Standards for Peer Support Certification

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), has published National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification for substance use, mental health, and family support.

Producing the set of peer support certification standards was one of several initiatives included in the mental healthcare system improvement strategy unveiled by President Joe Biden in his 2022 State of the Union address. Last month, the Biden administration announced it would be taking a series of actions to advance the president’s mental healthcare system improvement strategy, and publishing a set of peer support certification standards was one of several workforce-related activities included in the announcement.

The national model standards unveiled on Tuesday were designed to “accelerate universal adoption, recognition, and integration of the peer workforce across all elements of the healthcare system,” HHS said in a news release.

“Our peer workforce plays a critical role in the treatment and recovery journey for individuals with behavioral health issues,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in the release. “These new national standards will help advance President Biden’s strategy to tackle the nation’s behavioral health crisis. We can improve health outcomes for people with behavioral health issues by better integrating the peer workforce into our healthcare system. Getting help from a person who has been successful in the recovery process can be life-changing.”

The SAMHSA-developed peer support certification standards are not intended to replace state certifications, but instead serve as guidance for states, territories, tribes, and other organizations. The standards were designed to help facilitate alignment and reciprocity between sanctioning bodies, as well as to ensure quality.

State-endorsed or state-run peer certification programs currently operate in 49 of 50 states.



HHS publishes national model standards for substance use, mental health, and family peer worker certifications. News release. US Department of Health and Human Services. June 6, 2023. Accessed June 6, 2023.

Valentino T. Peer support certification, CCBHC support among White House initiatives to address mental health. Behavioral Healthcare Executive. Published online May 19, 2023. Accessed June 6, 2023.


