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Navy names September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

In their ongoing efforts to increase awareness of suicide prevention, the Navy has decided to call September "National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month", according to Stars and Stripes.

On the Navy's public website, they have a large amount of suicide prevention resources, including statistics, training information, how-to-help literature, and informational products.

Throughout September, a new concept will be explored and discussed each week.  These topics include things such as reducing the barriers for seeking help through counseling and learning how to better manage stress. Coming to a close at the end of the month is their 2012 Suicide Prevention Public Service Announcement Video Contest.  The goal of this project is to "promote awareness of suicide warning signs and bystander intervention among viewers, while advocating help-seeking behavio from a Sailor's point-of-view," according to the Navy website.  The winning video will be shown on Direct-to-Sailor Television, the American Forces Network, and the Pentagon channel.


